Customizing Your App


Templates are the files that hold the settings to your test. Instead of changing the settings every time, you can edit existing templates or build your own customized for your system and needs. To learn more about each of the template parameters (things that you can change) and what they mean, please see the appendix, Explanation of Template Parameters.

How to edit/build templates

    1. Under the Settings drop-down menu and click on Templates. A new window should appear (see image to the right).

    2. Editing templates

      • You can change parameters, rename the template, and click “Update this Template” to save your changes.

    3. Building templates

      • You can change parameters, name your template, and click “Save as a New Template”

    4. You can come back to this window and edit/remove/add templates at any time.

    5. You can also edit/build new templates from the “New Test” window, when selecting the template to use.


Lists are, as the name implies, lists of files that you want to keep/load/analyze together. By creating lists, you can load a set of data files to your workspace at once, without having to go into different folders and find the files of interest.

    • Creating lists

        1. Click on “Lists”.

*TIP: You can also load data into your workspace before doing this.

        1. If you want to create a list from your current workspace files, click on “Currently Open.” You should see your current workspace files on the right hand side.

        2. Add to or remove files from the list you want to create by clicking the plus or minus buttons.

        3. To create your list, click “Save As” and name your list.

  • Loading your lists

      1. Click on “Lists”.

      2. Click on a list you’ve previously created and saved.

      3. Click “Replace” to replace the files currently loaded to your workspace with the files from the list you selected. Click “Add” to add the files from the selected list to the workspace, while keeping the other currently open files.

  • Editing your lists

      1. Click on “Lists”.

      2. Click on a list you’ve previously created and saved.

      3. Click the plus or minus button to add or remove files.

      4. Click “Save List”.

      5. You can delete a list by selecting a list and then clicking on “Delete List”