Try a Tap Test

A tap test is a good way to test the software and see how it works before taking data with the violin setup.

  1. Click on the arrow on the right hand side of ScratchPad (top left of the screen, see image to the right). Select the option, "TapTones ScratchPad"

    • *TIP: The scratchpad is a good tool to try out your hardware and test out different settings, before starting to collect actual experiment data. In this case, we’re using it for a tap test, but you can use it any time, even when the actual experiment setup is connected.

  2. Tap any nearby surface and look at the resulting plot. It should simply trigger off of any loud sound and show you the spectrum. Your screen might look like this:

*TIP: You might not initially see anything on the large plot (shown to the left with the black lines), as your axes may not be to scale when starting out. However, if; a) you're seeing something on the left-hand side plots, in purple and red lines, or b) the line that originally read as "Starting H-01"(put in a green box, left) turns into "H_01 Tap 1", "H_01 Tap 2", etc. it means that you are collecting data. Double click the "Y" button next to the left-hand side plot carousel (circled in red, left) to autoscale your axes.

      • If you want to change parameters, you can click on “settings” in the middle above the left-hand plots, or drag cursors around as follows. See the section, Customizing Your App, for additional information on the settings.

        • *TIP: It is NOT recommended to click on the settings tab and change template parameters mid-acquisition.

3. When you're prompted, click "Save and Move On."