Functions of the Circulatory System

The main functions of the circulatory system.

1) Deliver oxygen and nutrients to the organs and tissues of the body

2) To remove carbon dioxide and wastes from organs and tissues of the body

3) To fight off infections

The main parts of the circulatory system are:

Heart: the pump that forces blood throughout your blood vessels

Arteries: carry blood away from the heart, deliver nutrients and oxygen to the organs and tissues

Veins: carry blood back to the heart, removes carbon dioxide and waste products from body tissues by bringing them to appropriate organs to be removed from body

Capillaries: moves substances into and out of the blood

The heart as a pump:

The heart is a muscular organ that continuously pumps blood throughout the body for the duration of an organisms life. The heart will pump faster during exercise to more quickly bring nutrients and oxygen to the body's muscles so they can continue to make energy.