Research Statement

"And the most important symmetry was gauge symmetry."

G. 't Hooft, 1994

"The approach based on phase cell localization can be used to study both

ultraviolet properties and infra-red properties of gauge models."

J. Glimm and A. Jaffe, 1981

My research spans from the non-perturbative formulation of quantum field theory (QFT) to the exploration of superstring theory, aiming to bridge the gap between lattice field theory and the elusive quest for a theory of everything. As quite important topics related to the theoretical structure of QFT itself, we have studied its non-perturbative formulation and quantum theory of gravity. For the non-perturbative dynamics in strongly coupled theories, a calculational method is provided by lattice field theory, which is the most well-developed framework or regularization so that spacetime is discretized as the set of points called the lattice. On the other hand, a candidate for a theory of everything unifying all fundamental forces including gravity may be provided by superstring theory. In superstring theory, we also expect to observe nontrivial and non-perturbative phenomena due to the string as a 1-dimensional object. However, there has been no definite non-perturbative formulation of superstring theory. In my research, I want to apply non-perturbative methods developed in lattice field theory to such nontrivial issues. Much many phenomena in QFT and superstring theory are subject to my interests. I hope that there are many potential benefits and insights that people have made no attempts to study this gap between lattice field theory and superstring theory.

I carried out the following topics as explicit analyses of non-perturbative effects in  QFT and superstring theory.

A. Numerical simulation of Landau-Ginzburg model

In the case that the target space of superstring theory is the Calabi-Yau manifold, we have a 2-dimensional N=2 superconformal field theory on the world sheet. The Landau-Ginzburg description of conformal field theory, that is, an infrared fixed point in a 2-dimensional supersymmetric theory (Landau-Ginzburg model) is believed to become superconformal [1]. In this research, I want to achieve a triumph of lattice field theory, and pave the way for the numerical investigation of the Landau-Ginzburg model. In particular, as an example of Landau-Ginzburg model, the authors in Refs. [2,3] simulated numerically the 2-dimensional N=2 massless Wess-Zumino model with a cubic superpotential, and then observed the infrared critical behavior.

In previous research, I established non-perturbative techniques for the Landau-Ginzburg model and verified, through numerical simulations, that its infrared fixed point corresponds to a superconformal field theory. Using the Kadoh-Suzuki formulation [4], which rigorously preserves supersymmetry, I applied numerical methods to various Landau-Ginzburg models belonging to the ADE classification and confirmed that the low-energy correlation functions correctly reproduce the expectations from the correspondence. Additionally, employing a finite-size scaling method considering the continuum limit, I performed precise measurements of correlation functions for the cubic potential, and provided an evidence for the restoration of locality.

As an example of simple target space, I considered the case of a torus given by x^3+y^3+z^3 and carried out numerical simulations under various deformations of the torus. Particularly, we can numerically verify the expectation that the central charge remains constant under the insertion of terms believed to represent a marginal operator xyz.

[1] E.g., see a PhD thesis: A. Pasquinucci, "2d N=2 Landau-Ginzburg models" [INSPIRE].[2] H. Kawai and Y. Kikukawa, "A Lattice study of N=2 Landau-Ginzburg model using a Nicolai map," Phys. Rev. D 83 (2011) 074502, arXiv:1005.4671 [hep-lat].[3] S. Kamata and H. Suzuki, "Numerical simulation of the N = (2, 2) Landau-Ginzburg model," Nucl. Phys. B 854 (2012) 552–574, arXiv:1107.1367 [hep-lat].[4] D. Kadoh and H. Suzuki, "Supersymmetry restoration in lattice formulations of 2D N = (2, 2) WZ model based on the Nicolai map," Phys. Lett. B 696 (2011) 163–166, arXiv:1011.0788 [hep-lat].

B. Studies on non-perturbative techniques based on the gradient flow method

In lattice field theory, because of discretizing spacetime into a lattice,it has been a long posed problem to construct the energy-momentum tensor, a Noether current of spacetime symmetries. Recently, a method based on a kind of diffusion equation called gradient flow [1] has extensively developed. By deforming field configurations according to a diffusion equation in gradient flow, composite operators in terms of the flowed fields automatically become finite (renormalized). Similar problems arise for other symmetries such as supersymmetry that is incompatible with lattice spacetime structure.

Regarding this, the following research was studied:

Currently, I am carrying out lattice simulations for the case of the 3-dimensional O(N) sigma model and depicting a renormalization group flow diagram by using the gradient flow. Therefore I numerically and non-perturbatively demonstrate the existence of the Wilson-Fisher fixed point [3].

[1] H. Suzuki, “Energy–momentum tensor from the Yang–Mills gradient flow,” PTEP 2013 (2013) 083B03, arXiv:1304.0533 [hep-lat] [Erratum: PTEP 2015, 079201 (2015)].[2] D. M. Grabowska and D. B. Kaplan, “Chiral solution to the Ginsparg-Wilson equation,” Phys. Rev. D 94 no. 11, (2016) 114504, arXiv:1610.02151 [hep-lat].[3] O. Morikawa, “Lattice study of RG fixed point based on gradient flow in 3D O(N) sigma model,” in KEK Theory Workshop 2023. 11, 2023.

C. Studies on non-perturbative effects based on resurgence theory

In general, perturbative expansions in field theory lead to divergent series, introducing uncertainties in theoretical predictions.The proliferation of Feynman diagrams and contributions from instantons result in uncertainties in both perturbative and non-perturbative realms, which are believed to cancel each other out in a phenomenon known as resurgence structure. We also have known the existence of renormalon uncertainties in the perturbation theory. Recent attention has focused on the conjecture that the resurgence structure compensates for the renormalon uncertainty due to the presence of bions, semi-classical objects, in spacetime compactified on S^1 [1]. Despite vigorous discussions on this conjecture, several negative results have been reported, leading to a somewhat chaotic situation.

Focusing on the uncertainty in perturbation theory in spacetime compactified on S^1, I studied the following issues:

[1] P. Argyres and M. Unsal, “A semiclassical realization of infrared renormalons,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 (2012) 121601, arXiv:1204.1661 [hep-th].[2] T. Fujimori, S. Kamata, T. Misumi, M. Nitta, and N. Sakai, “Bion non-perturbative contributions versus infrared renormalons in two-dimensional CPN−1 models,” JHEP 02 (2019) 190, arXiv:1810.03768 [hep-th].

D. Lattice non-perturbative construction of generalized symmetries

Analysis of phase structures using generalized symmetry and the 't Hooft anomaly matching condition

In recent years, the concept of symmetry has been generalized, where the conventional 0-form symmetry associated with Noether's theorem is regarded as topological objects on a spacetime with a fixed time slice (in d dimensions). Furthermore, an extension of this symmetry allows for the discussion of topological objects extending (d-p) dimensions for p-form symmetries [1,2]. When such symmetries are gauged, leading to what is known as 't Hooft anomalies that quantum anomalies invariant under renormalization group flow, we can have nontrivial constraints on the phase structure in the strong coupling regime. This is expected to contribute to understanding the phase structure of QCD, and also many aspects not only of particle physics but also of condensed matter physics.

I analyzed the phase structure of linear quiver gauge theories based on the 't Hooft anomaly matching condition. In linear quiver gauge theories, (K+1) SU(N) gauge fields are coupled with K Weyl fermions such that a Weyl fermion \psi_i is in the fundamental representation of the i-th gauge group and the anti-fundamental representation of the (i+1)-th gauge group (where i=1, 2, ..., K). Particularly ``direction'' i constitutes a new dimension (dimensoinal deconstruction) [3]. It is interesting that this theory is quite similar to topological materials. I discussed scenarios that could occur in the strong coupling regime for K odd/even. A remarkable aspect of this analysis is that the gauge-invariant operator \psi_1\psi_2...\psi_K exhibits different types of condensation because it is either bosonic or fermionic if K is even or odd, respectively.

[1] D. Gaiotto, A. Kapustin, N. Seiberg, and B. Willett, “Generalized Global Symmetries,” JHEP 02 (2015) 172, arXiv:1412.5148 [hep-th].[2] D. Gaiotto, A. Kapustin, Z. Komargodski, and N. Seiberg, “Theta, Time Reversal, and Temperature,” JHEP 05 (2017) 091, arXiv:1703.00501 [hep-th].[3] N. Arkani-Hamed, A. G. Cohen, and H. Georgi, “(De)constructing dimensions,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 4757–4761, arXiv:hep-th/0104005.

Research on generalized symmetry and topology in lattice regularized $U(1)$ gauge theory

Most of the recent developments in research on generalized symmetry, such as those mentioned above, have remained largely in the realm of continuous spacetime formalism. It have not yet reached fully regularized discussions. Intricate techniques, viewpoints, and mathematics are employed to discuss non-perturbative effects. Despite the common use of lattice description when introducing generalized symmetries, the difficulties arises from dealing with ``topology'' on the lattice. Actually, topology, an essential property, has been constructed in lattice SU(N) gauge theory in the 1980s [4]. An attempt to approach generalized symmetry from the lattice regularized perspective is quite nontrivial due to the complexity of this construction.

To address this, based on a simplified construction for the U(1) gauge theory [5], I initially demonstrated the fractionality of topological charges and mixed 't~Hooft anomalies by coupling Z_q 2-form gauge fields to the theory. It is however essential to note that introducing Z_q 2-form gauge fields is crucial for discussions on magnetic monopoles, but constructing monopoles is not possible on a lattice gauge configuration where topology is defined. We should assume the Witten effect happens. I have been developing methods to observe similar phenomena to the Witten effect on the lattice in 2-dimensional scalar field theories, awaiting further progress.

An other type of generalized symmetry is the higher-group symmetry, where symmetries are not direct products of gauge groups and cannot be gauged individually. An example is the anomaly cancellation structure known from superstring theory (the Green-Schwarz mechanism). Adding a Z_p 3-form symmetry to the theory restricts instanton numbers to pZ in the path integral without violating locality. In this case, however, only 1-from center symmetry cannot be gauged no longer, and then the structure becomes higher-group symmetry [6]. By applying this discussion to the U(1)/Z_q lattice gauge theory as mentioned above, we achieved the realization of higher-group symmetry in a more straightforward manner than in continuous theories. Particularly, while continuous theories are described by Z_q higher-form gauge fields as multiple U(1) gauge fields and their breaking via Higgs mechanism, lattice theories are described by them simply as integer lattice fields; it provides a clearer understanding of such structures in lattice gauge theory.

[4] M. Luscher, “Topology of Lattice Gauge Fields,” Commun. Math. Phys. 85 (1982) 39.[5] T. Fujiwara, H. Suzuki, and K. Wu, “Topological charge of lattice Abelian gauge theory,” Prog. Theor. Phys. 105 (2001) 789–807, arXiv:hep-lat/0001029.[6] Y. Tanizaki and M. Unsal, “Modified instanton sum in QCD and higher-groups,”  JHEP 03 (2020) 123, arXiv:1912.01033 [hep-th].