
"Il cherchait Dargelos. Lui seul il ne l'apercevait pas.

Il ne voyait que son geste, son geste immense."

Les Enfants Terribles, 1929





Talks (English)

NCTS-iTHEMS Joint Workshop on Matters to Spacetime: Symmetries and Geometry, National Taiwan Univ., 2024/8

the 41st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice2024), The Univ. of Liverpool, 2024/7-8

iTHEMS NOW&NEXT 2024, Poster, RIKEN, 2024/7/19 (slide)

KEK Theory Workshop 2023, KEK, 2023/11/30 (slide)

the International Workshop on Theoretical Particle Physics 2023 (HET Camp 2023), Nambu Yoichiro Hall at Osaka Univ., 2023/9/26

the 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice2023), FermiLab, 2023/7/31 (slide)

Talks (Japanese)

(``Non-perturbative formulation of quasi-stationary resonant state based on exact WKB method'')

JPS 2024 Annual (79th) Meeting, Hokkaido Univ., 2024/9/16

Discretization Approaches to Field and Spacetime Dynamics 2024, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2024/9/2

(``Generalized symmetries and topological phenomena in lattice gauge theory'')

Komaba Workshop on Non-perturbative Approaches to Quantum Field Theory, The Univ. of Tokyo, 2024/3/30 (slide)

(``Studies on generalized symmetries in lattice field theory'')

JPS 2024 Spring Meeting, Online, 2024/3/18 (slide)

(``Higher-group symmetry in lattice gauge theories with restriction of instanton numbers'')

JPS 2023 Annual (78th) Meeting, Tohoku Univ., 2023/9/16 (slide)

(``Numerical study of deformation of target space for the N=2 Landau-Ginzburg models'')

JPS 2021 Autumn Meeting, Online, 2021/9/14 (slide)

(``Resurgence structure in S^1-compactified spacetime'')
YONUPA Summer School, Online, 2020/8/28 (slide)

(``Perturbative ambiguity in compactified spacetime and resurgence structure'')
TQFT2020, Poster, Online, 2020/8/25 (slide)

(``IR renormalon in the CP^{N-1} model on RxS^1'')
JPS 2020 Annual (75th) Meeting, Nagoya Univ. (Online), 2020/3/16 (slide)

(``Continuum extrapolation and precision measurement of the scaling dimension in the N=2 Landau-Ginzburg model'')
JPS 2019 Autumn Meeting, Yamagata Univ., 2019/9/18 (slide)

(``Numerical study of N=2 Landau-Ginzburg models with multiple superfields'')
JPS 2018 Autumn Meeting, Shinshu Univ., 2018/9/15 (slide)

(``Numerical study of the two-dimensional supersymmetric Landau-Ginzburg model'')
123rd Meeting of the Kyushu Branch of JPS, Kagoshima Univ., 2017/12/9

(``Numerical simulation of the N=2 Landau-Ginzburg model'')
JPS 2017 Autumn Meeting, Utsunomiya Univ., 2017/9/14 (slide)

(``Lorentz symmetry violation in the fermion number anomaly with the chiral overlap operator'')
122nd Meeting of the Kyushu Branch of JPS, Fukuoka Univ., 2016/12/10


Field Theory Research Team in RIKEN R-CCS, 2024/4/26 (slide)

YITP in Kyoto Univ., 2024/2/16 (slide)

Hadron Theory Group in the Univ. of Tokyo, 2023/11/9

KEK, 2023/10/3 (slide)

Other talks

Collaborators' talks

``Yet another lattice formulation of 2D U(1) chiral gauge theory via bosonization,''

JPS 2024 Annual (79th) Meeting, Hokkaido Univ., 2024/9/16

``Applications of numerical computations of the fractional topological charge,''

JPS 2024 Annual (79th) Meeting, Hokkaido Univ., 2024/9/16

``Novel Lattice Formulation of 2D Chiral Gauge Theory via Bosonization,''

the 41st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice2024), The Univ. of Liverpool, 2024/7-8

``Numerical simulation of fractional topological charge in SU(N) gauge theory coupled with Z_N 2-form gauge fields,''

the 41st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice2024), The Univ. of Liverpool, 2024/7-8

``Lattice realization of the axial U(1) non-invertible symmetry,''

JPS 2024 Spring Meeting, 2024/3/19

``Lattice formulation of magnetic operators in 2D compact scalar theories,''

JPS 2023 Annual (78th) Meeting, Tohoku Univ., 2023/9/16

``Fractional topological charge in 4d lattice SU(N) gauge theory,''

JPS 2023 Annual (78th) Meeting, Tohoku Univ., 2023/9/16

``Lattice construction of mixed 't Hooft anomaly with higher-form symmetry,''

the 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice2023), FermiLab, 2023/7/31

``Formulation of fractional topological charge in lattice gauge theory,''

JPS 2022 Autumn Meeting, Okayama University of Science, 2022/9/8

``Constraints on the phase structure of linear quiver gauge theories from anomalies for one-form symmetries,''

JPS 2022 Autumn Meeting, Okayama University of Science, 2022/9/6

``Analysis of Fixed Point in 3-Dimensional O(N) Scalar Model Using Gradient Flow,''

JPS 2022 Annual (77th) Meeting, Online, 2022/3/15

``Counterargument to the expected resurgence structure concerning bion and new understanding,''

JPS 2021 Annual (76th) Meeting, Online, 2021/3/12

``IR renormalon in SU(N) QCD(adj.) on R3xS1,''

JPS 2020 Annual (75th) Meeting, Nagoya Univ. (Online), 2020/3/16

``Gravitational axial U(1) anomaly via the gradient flow,''
JPS 2018 Annual (73rd) Meeting, Tokyo Univ. of Science, 2018/3/23

``4D N=2 SUSY super current in terms of the gradient flow,''
JPS 2018 Annual (73rd) Meeting, Tokyo Univ. of Science, 2018/3/23

``Gradient flow and the Wilsonian renormalization group flow,''

JPS 2017 Autumn Meeting, Utsunomiya Univ., 2017/9/14

``One-loop perturbative coupling of A and A_★ through the chiral overlap operator,''

JPS 2017 Autumn Meeting, Utsunomiya Univ., 2017/9/14