Literature on physics

"Nein. Das ist für Mich." 

Das Leben der Anderen, 2006

"Control theory does not deal directly with physical reality

but with mathematical models."

Control theory, Encyclopedia Britannica


Most parts in the following list of physics and math literature comes from

and the others are given with some links to open-access pdf files or webpages.

See also nice comments on literature (in Japanese)

Landau-Lifshitz Course of Theoretical Physics

"Nur Beharrung führt zum Ziel, Nur die Fülle führt zur Klarheit,

Und im Abgrund wohnt die Wahrheit."

"Leads persistence to the goal; Leads abundance to precision;Dwells in the abyss the Vision."

F. Schiller (Translated by G. Macdonald)

Physics in general

  • D. Tong, Lectures on theoretical physics (webpage): classical mechanics; electromagnetism; quantum mechanics; condensed matter physics; statistical physics; gravitation and cosmology; quantum field theory; supersymmetry and string theory

Pauli Lectures on Physics

The Feynman Lectures on Physics

岩波講座 現代物理学の基礎



(For mathematical aspects, see books in "differential form.")

Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics

T. Sagawa, Entropy, divergence, and majorization in classical and quantum thermodynamics, Springer [arXiv:2007.09974 [quant-ph]]

Fluid mechanics



Solid state physics/condensed matter physics


Quantum mechanics

  • (See also 亀淵迪, 量子力学教科書のテスト("A test of textbooks on quantum mechanics"), 日本物理学会誌, 1974 (webpage))

Mathematical foundation

  • P. Woit, Quantum theory, groups and representations: an introduction, Springer (pdf)

Atomic physics

Nuclear physics

  • (The nuclear physics bible: A. Bohr and B. R. Mottelson, Nuclear structure, World Scientific)

Relativistic quantum mechanics and radiation

Quantum field theory

"Die Natur ist ein unendlich geteilter Gott."

F. Schiller

  • P. Ramond, Field theory: a modern primer (webpage)
  • G. 't Hooft, The conceptual basis of quantum field theory (pdf)
  • P. van Baal, A course in field theory, Taylor & Francis (open access)

Some topics in quantum field theory

Quantum anomaly

Effective field theory

Finite temperature


  • A. M. Polyakov, Gauge fields and strings, Taylor & Francis (open access)
  • E. Shuryak, Nonperturbative topological phenomena in QCD and related theories, Springer [arXiv:1812.01509 [hep-th]]
  • H. Elvang and Y.-t. Huang, Scattering amplitudes in gauge theory and gravity, Cambridge University Press [arXiv:1308.1697 [hep-th]]

Constructive/Algebraic quantum field theory

Elementary particle physics

Statistical field theory

Renormalization group

(See also books in "statistical mechanics," "condensed matter physics" and "statistical field theory.")

Lattice field theory

  • D. B. Kaplan, Chiral symmetry and lattice fermions [arXiv:0912.2560 [hep-lat]]
  • S. Schäfer, Simulations with the hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm: implementation and data analysis, Les Houches 2009 (webpage with sample codes)
  • See also lecture notes by M. Lüscher (website)


Supersymmetry and supergravity

Conformal field theory

String theory


  • A. Pasquinucci, 2d N=2 Landau-Ginzburg models, PhD SISSA, Trieste [INSPIRE]

Quantum gravity

Mathematics in general




Differential form

Group and algebra/category

Number theory


Programming language

C, C++



Machine Learning

  • D. A. Roberts, S. Yaida and B. Hanin, The principles of deep learning theory: an effective theory approach to understanding neural networks, Cambridge University Press [arXiv:2106.10165 [cs.LG]]

History and philosophy of science

Sin-itiro Tomonaga

Takahiko Yamanouchi

Werner Heisenberg




Literary works