Black Claw of the Crow

Black Claw of the Craw

When he came out into the world his hands were crooked and small

This did not trouble us, we knew he would still use them to create many things.

Later, he would run around and scratch pictures in the dirt. He would even use his hands to climb trees and perch and dream of ways to use his hands.

He dreamed of things to scratch in the sand and each day he would scratch them into the dirt around his home. His brothers and sisters began asking him to use his hands to scratch things in the dirt for them.

And he did them.

He found other things to do with his hands. He would use wood to bend and shape them into things he dreamed at night. He would make animals and flowers and other shapes with his hands. Others wondered how those small hands could do these things.

Maybe, he would show others how to use their hands. He would show them how he sees the world and make a copy of it using only their hands.

After he left his home, he used his hands on things had never seen. When he saw things that were beautiful, complex or serene, he wanted to use his hands on the things he felt were challenging.