
Vaginal fungal Infection: Cause and Solution

Around 70% of women have had a vaginal yeast infection and in 30% of women, the vaginal fungal infection often recurs. Besides that a vaginal yeast infection can be embarrassing, it is especially annoying. The infection is accompanied by a nasty (burning) itching. Does Yeastrol Really Work?

Fungal Infection Vagina

What is a vaginal fungal infection?

What are the symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection?

Why do you get a fungal infection?

What can you do about a vaginal yeast infection?

How is a vaginal fungal infection treated?

What is a vaginal fungal infection?

A vaginal fungal infectionis usually caused by a fungal infection with the Candida Albicans fungus. In case of a vaginal yeast infection, one would also like to speak Candida for short. Both women and men always carry the Candida Albicans fungus. This fungus can be found in the intestines, the esophagus, on the skin (especially in warm and moist skin folds) and in the mouth. Candida Albicans feels comfortable in warm and humid places. Candida Albicans is part of the intestinal flora in the intestines. In the intestines, Candida Albicans (normally) is kept in check by the good bacteria in the intestines. There is a balance between good and bad fungi and bacteria in the intestines. Candida Albicans becomes a problem if this fungus can overgrow, there is a fungal infection.

Recognize a vaginal yeast Infection

A vaginal yeast infection is not always easy to recognize, certainly not at an early stage. A vaginal yeast infection can be recognized by:

Change of vaginal secretion. Where it is normally transparent and liquid, it turns white and friable in a vaginal yeast infection. This separation has little or no smell. If the secretion becomes gray-white or green-yellow and starts to smell uncomfortably, then there is a bacterial infection, not a fungal infection.

A vaginal yeast infection causes a considerable internal itching which in some cases is also external. The labia and the skin around the labia can also start to itch in some cases. The itching is so intense that you would like to rub or scratch, but you better not do this. Because of the fungal infection, the skin is more vulnerable than normal and can therefore be damaged more quickly. Perfect Male Body Naturally

Due to the vaginal fungal infection the skin gets irritated in and around the vagina, the skin may feel burning. Urination can be painful, and there may be pain during sex.

In case of a vaginal fungal infection, the labia and vagina become red.

Causes of a vaginal yeast infection

Candida Albicans is present in the body and can cause a fungal infection if this fungus gets the chance to overgrow. Candida gets the chance to grow over at the moment the body gets out of balance. Common causes of an overgrowth of Candida Albicans are:


Antibiotics kill not only the bad bacteria but also the good bacteria that normally prevent overgrowth of Candida Albicans. An antibiotic cure can disrupt the balance between good and bad fungi and bacteria in the vagina so that after the antibiotics cure a fungal infection can occur.

Hormonal changes

Changes in hormone regulation can lead to a vaginal yeast infection. In pregnancy there are hormonal changes but also around menstruation and menopause.


With (long-term) stress, the overall resistance to pathogens decreases and there is a greater chance of contracting a vaginal yeast infection. Lose Weight Fast and Natural


Diabetes causes a lower resistance, which increases the chance of a vaginal fungal infection in diabetics.

A dry vagina

Some women do not become sufficiently humid themselves in sexual intercourse. This can cause small wounds in the vagina, causing (fungal) infections to develop quickly. In these cases, lubricant can provide a solution.

Use of (too much) soap

The pH value within the vagina should be between 4 and 5. By regularly washing the vagina with soap, the acidity of the vagina is disturbed. Due to the disturbed acidity Candida Albicans can overgrow. It is therefore better to wash the vagina with water or with special soap which does not disturb the acidity.

Eliminate vaginal yeast Infection

If you go to the doctor with a vaginal yeast infection then (usually) tablets will be prescribed in the first instance, which you have to inject vaginally. If that does not help or not enough, then medicines can be prescribed that you should take orally. In many cases, however, you can treat a vaginal yeast infection yourself without having to go to the doctor.

Things you can do yourself with a vaginal yeast infection:

Make sure you regularly change your sanitary napkin or tampon during menstruation.

Sleep without underpants in a spacious pajama.

Wipe your stool from front to back. This prevents Candida Albicans from coming into contact with the vagina from the intestines.

Free only if you are sufficiently wet, ensure a long prelude or use lubricant.

Take a vaginal shower twice a day with 6 drops of Tea Tree oil.

Take a disinfectant bath in which half a kilo of kitchen salt is dissolved.

By applying yogurt in the vagina you help lower the acidity of the vagina.

Always wash your underwear at a minimum of 60 degrees.

Provide good overall resistance by exercising regularly and eating healthy.

Never wash your vagina with soap, only with water or use special soap which is adjusted to the acidity of the vagina.

Change your underwear every day.

Wear dry clothes as soon as possible after swimming. The Candida fungus feels comfortable in a warm and humid environment.