Personality number 9

As the last, but not the worst personality number 9. This article closes the list of personality numbers and gives us the opportunity to start further numerological threads. Nine personality types, nine different characters with their pros and cons.

The number nine plays an important role in the numerology known today and in the time of our ancestors in ancient Mesopotamia. This is the end of the cycle and the beginning of the next. This is a number representing love and understanding.

Number 9 is among them one of the most polarizing people. If he does not control his weaknesses, he may be very annoying, but when he does so and people can see its advantages, they will love him. Personality number 9 are people who will always be noticed, some will love them, others will hate them.

Let’s check what drives their decisions, how they cope with work and love, and what they can do to improve their image in the eyes of others.

How to Calculate Your Personality Number In Numerology?

Fortunately, calculating your personal number is very simple and it is done based on the consonants of your name or names (if you have more). Each number is marked with an alphabet letter as in the table below.

1 – J;S

2 – B;K;T

3 – C;L

4 – D;M;V

5 – N;W

6 – F;X

7 – G;P;Y

8 – H;Q;Z

9 – R

When the result is above 9, for example 18, convert it to the equation 1 + 8 = 9.

Personality number 9

Let’s make the assumption that you are number 9, so it will be easier for me to write to you directly. As a numerological number nine, you feel compassion for other people and animals. You try to devote some of your time and some money to help those in need.

Your actions are characterized by scale, you prefer to take part in actions that affect hundreds and thousands of people than focus on individuals.

When someone needs advice, you serve your experience and try to put on the side of the person who comes for help.

You are a strong and brave unit, you have a lot of determination. You use these qualities to spread love.

You’re doing well as a storyteller. You know many stories of yourself and other people you help, you can speak on many topics.

In summary, you have a golden heart that you are not afraid to show.


As a dominant person, you often meet people who will not necessarily like you. The desire to be the most important person in a given company will not appeal to everyone.

You are a generous person, which is not bad in itself, but you do not know moderation. There is a risk that you will give away all your savings by getting into debt. It is worth thinking about the person who will take care of your finances.

Generous trust is also associated with generosity. You should think a few times about who becomes your friend. In addition, remember that not everyone who claims to need financial help actually tells the truth.

In many circles you can be considered arrogant, this is due to excessive certainty. People tolerate and even like other people who show dominant features, but it is very easy to cross a thin line, after which it becomes arrogant.

You will also come across people who talk about you behind your back, jealous that you are so open and confident. It is important that you ignore their comments and best cut off relationships with them.

Your opinions will not always be liked by others, but as personality number 9 you won’t have a problem with that. If you think someone is a fool and a sly guy then you can tell him. If you don’t like any government decision that is currently praised, you can say it without a second thought.

The question remains whether this is a disadvantage. On the one hand, yes, because sometimes it’s better to bite your tongue and give yourself a chance to take advantage of some opportunity that may arise from acquaintance. On the other hand, we value people who say straight to the face what they think.

Unfortunately, you sometimes exaggerate with your own opinions. It’s about the moments when you express them without asking for your opinion. Such indentation with own claims when no one asks is not well received.

The disadvantages include the fact that you make people dependent on you. We know you have no direct influence on it, but you must be aware that for others you can be an oracle, what you say will be sacred.

You can’t ask for advice, you prefer to know all the answers yourself. It is worth remembering that you can expect the same from others as you give them. Asking for advice is not a sign of weakness, check it costs nothing.


You try to keep your body straight, you know it’s a status sign. Your movements are full of grace and flexibility.

You choose clothes according to the sublime sense of taste. You know how to combine colors and what clothes to wear depending on the occasion.

You value art and culture that is present in your life.

Career path

Your career will be related to social issues. You will focus on helping others by implementing humanitarian aid or as a doctor.

It’s not a rich person’s career, but you don’t need it, it’s all about helping others. You will not die of hunger, you will find a way to lead a dignified life, it is said that good comes back to the people from whom it flowed.

Love and friendship

In love, the number 9 symbolizes faithfulness and loyalty. Marriage for such a person is not just another document but something to be observed. Formulas given at the wedding ceremony about being with a loved one in sickness and when it is bad is not idle talk.

Despite this, he is not a dream spouse. He often distributes his layers of love evenly between his family and completely strangers, which is why she sometimes lacks for loved ones.

Personality number 9 is a person who gives himself to others, which sometimes makes him feel burned out and needs to be with himself. He cuts himself off from other people to think about many things and regenerate his strength.

Although this is a natural behavior for most people, some may perceive it as a neglect of their feelings. It is good to remind them from time to time that they mean a lot to you, then they will be ready for your withdrawal.

Summary and tips

There is no doubt that you are a colorful person. You have a lot of advantages, which sometimes turn into disadvantages. You should find balance in your behavior.

Let’s start with the fact that you have to be a little selfish in life. Start paying more attention to your feelings. Second, focus on family and close friends, they need your feelings. When you are sure that the family is satisfied with how much time you devote to them, allocate the remaining resources of love to those in need.

Also, in times of doubt, ask other people for advice. This will not undermine your position of advisor and parent company, and you will gain an additional opinion to consider and make the person who gives you advice feel needed.

You also need to limit your generosity, which is very close to wastefulness. Not everyone who asks for money, really needs it, learn to screen liars from the truthful, and both you and you will benefit.

You need society, you are walking goodness, sometimes arrogant, but still goodness. Take care of your health, because the longer you live the more happiness you give to others 😉.

This completes our article on personality number 9 and the entire series of articles devoted to this topic. If you do not know them yet, we invite you to familiarize yourself with them, and if you are looking for other topics, we encourage you to browse the entire page, because the number of publications is large and is growing every week.