Personality number 2

Numerology contains many answers, including those describing our behavior and personification. Before we get to personal number 2, let’s look at how numerology sees number 2.

With the help of numerology, people seek answers to virtually every aspect of their lives. This is not only the domain of our time, numerological practices have been known since the time of the ancient Egyptians.

The number 2 is often considered to be the basis, something original with many other things. People described by number 2 are definitely more team members than those whose personal number is equal to 1.

The two are particularly important in the Egyptian and Chinese culture mentioned above. More about the numerological aspects we write a separate article. We invite you to check other entries about Personality numbers.

How to Calculate Your Personality Number In Numerology?

Fortunately, calculating your personal number is very simple and it is done based on the consonants of your name or names (if you have more). Each number is marked with an alphabet letter as in the table below.

1 – J; S

2 – B; K; T

3 – C; L

4 – D; M; V

5 – N; W

6 – F; X

7 – G; P; Y

8 – H; Q; Z

9 – R

When the result is above 9, for example 17, convert it to the equation 1 + 7 = 8.

Personality Number 2

People who can be described according to the above scheme as the number 2 are very much needed by society. They are people who value the company of others . They do everything to ease the argument because they do not like negative emotions. For this reason, they are great as mediators, whether at work or in personal life.

They will be a person whose personal number is 2, you have no problem getting new friends. You are liked for your gentle nature and empathic approach to loved ones. Caring for people close to you is very important in your personal ranking. You love and care for others, even at the expense of yourself.

The effect of this is that people are happy to confide in you, it doesn’t bother you, because listening is in your nature.

Number two is also a big tendency to philosophical character. People are more interested in looking for ideas and reflecting on the life and the world that surrounds them than concrete action. In life they are guided by emotions, allowing the intellect to fall into the background.

In terms of clothing, such people prefer subdued colors and standard clothes that will not make them stand out in the company. They prefer soft materials and give up gloss fabrics.

Negative features

As it usually results, positive traits often also affect the other way. In the case of number 1 there is self-confidence that can cause a feeling of rudeness in other people, and in the case of number 2 we have conflictlessness, which is a sign of a lack of self-confidence.

Actions they rarely take on have risk features. This is because of the fear of making a mistake. The desire to be in the company results from the fear of remaining lonely.

This behavior may result from childhood experiences. Some situation affected you in this way, or you had demanding parents against whom it was better not to put forward your own arguments or not allow criticism.

However, the above-mentioned features are a symptom of low self-esteem, often completely unjustified. The desire to be in close contact with other people can lead to them being used by false friends or even those who do it unconsciously.

A fragile psyche has an effect on physical health. The need to take difficult life situations can lead to worse physical well-being. The fight with doubts is usually longer than for the average person. Number 2 is not a leader, she doesn’t even want to. The lack of willingness to compete makes these people lazy so they don’t always use their potential 100%.

The prosaic of such a person can be influenced by really prosaic things. This often leads to a pessimistic view of the future.

Looking nervously at many things can lead to stomach problems. This is a common condition when nervous. Insomnia may be the next negative effect.

Development at work

As we mentioned in one of the previous paragraphs, the numbers two are ideal for working as mediators or diplomats because of their positive attitude towards the world. They will also find themselves in the art industry, where they will be able to vent their philosophical nature. Art that is intended for such people is painting, writing (mainly fiction and poetry) and music.

On the other hand, it is very difficult for them to prove themselves at work without an external impulse. This often results in not accepting job offers that do not suit them, which leads to financial problems.

Being the number 2 you have to work on yourself, this is the only way to improve your work ethic.

It’s hard to call a job, but personal number 2 is often charitable and humanitarian, which takes a long time.


You love and you are loved. You are a wonderful spouse or partner, but often to the detriment of yourself. You are in a relationship for concessions, even in important matters affecting your well-being.


We need numbers, we need them so that this world does not roll to the bottom. You are people you can rely on and worth staying with. Unfortunately, sometimes you can be used, you do not have your own opinion, but rather you have it but you do not express it.

You have to believe in yourself more. If you add some assertiveness to your positive qualities and fight the fears that are throwing you, you will finally become fully yourself. You will gain new strength for life, get rid of some health problems and make better use of your life.

Being number two is hard but grateful. Be sure to let me know in the comments if it matches your description!