Personality number 4

In our adventure, after numbers describing people, we arrived at numerological 4. Personality number 4 is a description of people who are very reliable and needed by the world. We will try to discuss their biggest advantages and disadvantages, check whether they are good employees and how they cope in love.

The number 4 is directly related to Saturn called the teacher of all time. If you are numerological 4, then you probably have a happy family life, which can be envied in the positive sense of the word. Despite the diligence, you found a moment for entertainment and you read this article, of which we are extremely happy, so in order not to waste your precious time let’s check number four.

How to Calculate Your Personality Number In Numerology?

Fortunately, calculating your personal number is very simple and it is done based on the consonants of your name or names (if you have more). Each number is marked with an alphabet letter as in the table below.

1 – J;S

2 – B;K;T

3 – C;L

4 – D;M;V

5 – N;W

6 – F;X

7 – G;P;Y

8 – H;Q;Z

9 – R

When the result is above 9, for example 13, convert it to the equation 1 + 3 = 4.

Personality number 4

Traditional values, in a nutshell you can describe numerological four. They profess the ethos of work about which we write more in the next part of the article, we will only mention that they are ideal employees, as long as they are not over their heads and do not exert pressure. Tradition also manifests in attachment to the family. Nowadays people are getting less and less married, have fewer children and are living more selfishly.

Personality number 4 prefers the proximity of loving people, stability and security.

The leaders of a country that has many citizens described by numerology as numbers 4 can be contented because such people are patriots who love the country. This is associated with the aforementioned sense of security.

The people in question are considered reliable and people trust them. This results in frequent advice questions.

Technology does not inspire trust in fours. They like old, proven devices, so their phone model is 5 years old if it has everything they need. There are always problems with the new one, it is better to wait and maybe in a few years you will buy.

A great sense of morality and faith in justice can affect every aspect of life. You don’t like when someone gets something because of luck or a not-quite-regulatory approach.

Their approach to spiritual matters is very limited. They focus on worldly life, although there are of course exceptions that go in the spiritual direction. Although there is also a completely different interpretation indicating that conservative views have an impact on religion.

Many such people are to serve as priests, priests, monks and other people associated with faith. In fact, the first description is more common, al. We don’t want to deal with this keys right now.

Love and friendship

In love, they are guided by stability, they do not look for fleeting love, they want to be bound for life. This is a valued trait, because it also affects the absolute lack of willingness to betray. They care about the care of the relationship, always give advice and are a refuge for their other half. In return, they expect a similar approach.

A conservative approach to life affects the selection of friends. They choose their friends from a strictly defined group that holds similar social values, there is practically no way to make friends with a person with different views. This precludes a strong belief that only what you believe is justified.

When raising children, they are guided by their values, they try to convey information about the value of work, that only hard work will lead them to success, that the family is the most important and that no matter what it looks like, but what it presents.

Thanks to these features, you can define such people as good partners and friends, but a small group of people who will allow themselves will find out.


As you focus on safety in many aspects of your life, it also translates into your outfit. Number 4 willingly reaches for clothes that do not stand out from the crowd, are durable and do not exceed prices considered high. The colors of the clothes are very subdued, you rarely allow yourself colorful accessories.

This approach to clothing is not only the result of a desire to feel safe, but also a reluctance to be judged by other people on the basis of your clothing, this work is to be an element that defines you.

Work path

There is no secret that every employer dreams of having number 4 in his team, even if he has no idea what numerology is. The number discussed today is attributed to people who have a high esteem for work. They pay special attention to the details of their profession. They don’t allow themselves “just any way,” everything has to be done up to the last button. They always do their work in a timely manner with the aforementioned quest for perfection. If their work is closed within a budget, they practically do not exceed it.

Fours are also distinguished by punctuality and obedience in the context of their tasks, as long as they do not enter the moral path of such a person.

All these features mean that personality number 4 treats work like a part of its own life. Of course, work for most of us is important, because it allows you to meet basic needs, with better earnings also to fulfill material dreams.

However, we often treat the company where we work as a place where you just have to go. Whereas number 4 treats work as an element thanks to which they want to be recognized, with which they want to be associated.

This is the reason for choosing a career path, which is usually based on companies where not many people work and the work of each person is really important. In such places, initiative and good performance are often appreciated, which gives a lot of joy to numbers four. Character traits predispose people to a career that focuses more on timeliness, accuracy and routine than creative activities such as devising advertising campaigns.

Examples of jobs that will suit these people are all work related to finance, let’s mention here, for example, banking, sales of insurance and financial services, and accounting. Other works should include: a lawyer, technical professions, geologists and lecturers.

It is also worth mentioning about a military career. Meticulousness, not breaking the rules and fulfilling the duties combined with patriotism create a perfect candidate for military service.


Some will say that this is a disadvantage, that it is an advantage, in this case we have found it a defect and it is a matter of distrust. The unknown is not always a good thing, sometimes it is worth keeping a distance, people learn it as they grow up, but there are also people among us who willingly go into the unknown and make friends with new people.

Distrust has been considered a disadvantage of personality number 4 because it is the reason why they lose opportunities to earn, meet new people or experience something interesting.

The way she is a personality number 4 does not allow her to make great plans for the future. No extravagant dreams, just live a peaceful life without unnecessary stress. We live in a world full of Instagram and other social media, where everyone struggles for attention show how amazing their life is.

That is why it has been accepted that people with other values ​​may be considered boring, but if you think about it, is doing everything without risk bad?

If someone wants to live a peaceful life with a loving family is their business, so the above feature is also not black and white.

The number 4 has a strong belief in self-worth and the rightness of their views. If someone has other beliefs about social or religious topics, they don’t tolerate them. They don’t like being questioned or their competences in a given aspect being questioned.

High self-esteem and considerable irritability often go hand in hand with perfectionism. Personality number 4 doesn’t like being pressed and rushed. Then he closes himself and begins to grumble or sometimes even works the other way around and impulsively expresses his opinions. Also, panic attacks are not alien to him, although not for any reason, but there is such a possibility.

Summary and tips for numbers 4

We hope you already know who the numerological numbers 4 are and what are their pros and cons. There is nothing to hide, such people will not give you hours of entertainment and crazy life, but they will be a rock for family and friends.

There are no perfect people, if you are the personality number four we have some tips for you at the end. Adapting to them may be a bit “annoying”, but it may be worth it for yourself and your loved ones.

Start by changing your approach to otherness, nobody suddenly makes you love people with different social or religious values, but admit that maybe they are right, that maybe in some specific little aspect their beliefs are more sensible.

Once you overcome this barrier, start fighting internal stress. Striving for perfection, doing your work 100% are really cool things, but if you don’t sleep half a night because of it, because you will be thinking that you could do something 1% better at work, that’s not what life is about.

Sometimes just let it go, I know it may not be easy, but at least try it. When you do this, allow yourself a non-standard action, buy a last-minute vacation, take advantage of the promotion for the equipment you wanted to have but you did not waste money, reward yourself in some way for the effort you put into making your family safe and the employer happy. Sometimes you have to be egoists, and replacing a phone for a few years with a new one is not an incredible fad.

These really small changes can make you feel better and make you feel better. Remember, if you don’t like changes, nothing prevents you from returning to old habits.