Personality number 1

Numerology is a type of learning that is appreciated by some and belittled by others. He researches numbers, specifically their hidden meaning. Already the ancient Egyptians saw in numbers a gift from the gods, describing everything that is happening in space and on earth. The article you are reading is the beginning of a series of looking at personal number. Since 0 is not included in this personality numbers, we start with 1.

We treat numerology as a chance to get to know ourselves and the world. He approaches every blog topic with optimism and caution. The best thing about numerology is that it doesn’t tell us how to live, but it tries to describe us and understand who you are. Personal numerology deals with discovering people’s personality traits by assigning them the right number.

How to Calculate Your Personality Number In Numerology?

Fortunately, calculating your personal number is very simple and it is done based on the consonants of your name or names (if you have more). Each number is marked with an alphabet letter as in the table below.

1 – J;S

2 – B;K;T

3 – C;L

4 – D;M;V

5 – N;W

6 – F;X

7 – G;P;Y

8 – H;Q;Z

9 – R

When the result is above 9, for example 17, convert it to the equation 1 + 7 = 8.

Personality Number 1

As we have already mentioned, personal numbers define the character of man. The number 1 is quite rare and describes strong people who push forward not always in accordance with logic.

People described with number one want to learn from their own mistakes and do not like external interventions. For this reason, they rarely seek advice from other people, taking responsibility for their lives.

The corollary to this characteristic is the natural leadership ability of people described as number 1. They see the leaders in themselves and are seen as such by others. Thanks to external trust, they are able to build in themselves a sense that the decisions they make are right. When making decisions, do not hesitate.

Achieving the chosen goal is often the most important, which makes it easy for them to gather a group of trusted people around them. In the pursuit of ultimate success, they give their whole heart.

The people you surround yourself with are not in opposition to your ideas because you don’t like objections. Your surroundings are people with similar views who accept you with all your pros and cons.

Being a leader is a great start to the desire to dominate in competition with other people. You like to compete on various levels, deriving a lot of joy from it, especially when at the end it turns out you were right or you did something better/faster.

Sooner than later you will feel or already feel the desire to become an authority. Make it easy for you, it has your popularity you’ve earned. You have many friends in your life who know that you are a trustworthy person. You like to put yourself in the center of spotlights, which often ends positively.

Despite the reluctant admission of defeats, you are righteous, when you did something wrong you say it clearly, and when you need to punish or reward people you do it in the way they deserve.

At work, when the boss asks who will undertake the task, without hesitation you volunteer, even if you know that you risk a lot.

The positions you would expect from number 1 are designer, engineer, manager or inventor. You are definitely more interested in the specifics and measurable results of your actions.

At home, on the other hand, you are a responsible person, risk and bravado go to the background.

Your characteristics define you as a person in a suit / dress, or at least a shirt. You feel better in such clothes, although you don’t mind looser styles. However, your suits are not ordinary, they always stand out with some element or color, you do not like to blend in with the crowd.

Dress is not one aspect of the look you pay attention to. You also take care of your physical characteristics, it comes straight, you take care of your hair and figure. You are afraid that some shortcomings may affect your perception.

Despite the fact that you strive to clearly mark your people, you are not guided by money. Definitely you value personal goals that have no material overtones.

Disadvantages of personal number 1

Unfortunately, what on the one hand seems to be very positive behavior on the other looks more like a defect. None of us like overly confident people. They are often seen as arrogant, even if they are not.

You impose high demands on yourself and expect other people you work with to meet or at least be close to your level. It often turns out that this is impossible, which leads to pressure and deterioration of relationships.

However, you see these aspects and share, you willingly share your knowledge and help others in their tasks.

Being the number 1 personal person you are looking for attention, you want to be noticed at all costs. As we have already mentioned, you often succeed and do it good, but some people can see what will affect your relationship.

Jealousy is another factor that has a negative impact on your life. You can be jealous of a career and love.

Superficial friendships come to you easily, but in a deep heart you avoid close contact, but when you establish a strong bond it is very important to you and you cultivate it as best you can.

As you can see being number one has many advantages, but also some disadvantages. Let me know if the description matches your personality.