Personality number 5

Each of us has our own way of life. We are guided by various emotions and goals, which are written in numbers. Numerology does not know the answer to all questions, but tries to describe reality and show what to pay attention to.

Personality number 5 is another article for us describing personal numbers. We have already dealt with responsible, crazy and family people. Today, waiting is the look at number 5 that characterizes people who love life. Before you know them exactly, check how to calculate your number, maybe today’s article is about you.

How to Calculate Your Personality Number In Numerology?

Fortunately, calculating your personal number is very simple and it is done based on the consonants of your name or names (if you have more). Each number is marked with an alphabet letter as in the table below.

1 – J;S

2 – B;K;T

3 – C;L

4 – D;M;V

5 – N;W

6 – F;X

7 – G;P;Y

8 – H;Q;Z

9 – R

When the result is above 9, for example 14, convert it to the equation 1 + 4 = 5.

Personality number 5

People whose calculations came out that their personality number is 5 are the complete opposite of number 5. Where to start here, maybe from their approaches to life.

It is treated as something to be experienced with oneself, regardless of the circumstances. The desire to explore the world and discover new opportunities is fuel for them to act.

Every morning they are counting on a new adventure, they are able to make many concessions as long as something happens in their lives. They do it because of themselves, but also the willingness to accept society and this approach actually works in some areas.

Number 5 is seen as a person full of energy, able to become a leader on various issues. This way of being attracts to them many people who are impressed by their charisma.

Other interpersonal skills include the ability to amuse the interlocutors and brilliantly respond to provocation. Such people do not waste time on uninteresting topics, you will not be bored talking to them.

As an attractive person who can promote himself, you often get the opportunities you have been waiting for and you can use them. The ability to make quick and usually good decisions in different situations is another numerological asset 5.


The benefits described are just the tip of the iceberg. Unfortunately, personality number 5 has several disadvantages that are quite burdensome for other people.

Constant willingness to act, optimism and credulity lead to the conclusion that they are reckless people. Unable to find sufficient stimuli in the chew, they often reach for alcohol, sex and drugs. Of course, this does not necessarily apply to everyone described by number 5, but in most cases this is what it looks like.

This liberated lifestyle is troublesome, because such people do not suffer from imposed restrictions and patterns. They cross borders too often, which may end badly for them, depending on the situation.

Such exploration of the world is often associated with learning completely new things and in fact the mentioned people like to learn. However, not to the extent that you gain expert knowledge, there is often momentary enthusiasm for learning that goes out quickly.

Modesty is not a quality we would attribute to such people. The desire to be on the candlestick does not necessarily mean a vain man, but a little humility can never hurt.

A fairly light approach to serious matters in adult life can be perceived as annoying, and the lack of compliance with the principle is associated with the whims of teenagers.


The energy of numbers 5 is also manifested in their clothing. This one is often fashionable and very colorful. It’s meant to tell the world “look who’s coming here.”

Clothing goes hand-in-hand with appearance, personality number 5 usually cares for your body. He tries to look attractive and move gracefully. This is a bit at odds with their love of eating and drinking that requires self-discipline, which is not an easy task especially for them.

Striving for fame at every possible moment, not remaining behind even for a moment are aspects that do not give them peace.

Traveling is their passion, they don’t have to be far away, it’s about changing places. If you need an entertainment partner during your vacation, suggest number 5 for a trip together.


Unfortunately, numerological Fridays should be avoided in love. They are people who are unable to establish a stable relationship and tend to betray their loved ones. Living at 100% also leads to problems building long-lasting relationships. Such people cannot sit still, so they often change friends.

This approach at a young age will result in old age, when such people end up alone.

If you are looking for a partner for a non-binding relationship, it’s hard for a better choice than personality number 5. You can be sure that such a person is about the same thing and in addition they are usually good lovers.

Work path

As you can hardly guess, personal number 5 is not a person earning the title of employee of the month, not to mention the title of employee of the year, because he rarely works so much time in one company.

Work is only a way to raise money to provide entertainment in life. This leads to dismissive treatment of employers. Lateness, improper performance of duties and often only passing “sorry”.

Undoubtedly, such people were not created for schematic work, requiring concentration and responsibility. It’s difficult to find among numerological accountants and engineers Fridays.

They will definitely like their work related to their hobby. You can mention here work in advertising and sales, which is based on meeting new people and creating creative things.

However, as an employer, you should not be afraid that you will come across such a person, if it is probably at the beginning of his career path. Personality number 5 often reaches for establishing their own one-man companies. Then everything depends on them, they can live the way they want, as long as they find customers for their services, and it varies.

Conclusions and advice

As a personality number 5, you may be reluctant to criticize some of your qualities and you don’t care too much about your own life advice, but you may use them.

No doubt you have to give yourself some discipline. This is not boring, our lives consist of 90% routine, eating, sleeping, physiological activities and work occupy most of our lives. These little moments of happiness are only a fragment of life. There is nothing wrong with trying to give it more weight, but do it wisely.

Your light approach to human relationships can hurt others and lead to the fact that when you no longer have energy and your brilliance diminishes, there will be nobody around who wants to hear you. Give up selfish approach to life, add some empathy and try to put yourself in the position of other people.

When you fix these basics and catch your balance, you will understand that it is not a bad thing, that the same friends and the same places can really give you satisfaction. As for work, we prefer creative classes ourselves, so if you have any talent try to develop it, no one will ask you to work full time.

You are really a very interesting person. You have many positive qualities that make you a great playmate. Try to work on these drawbacks, and you will undoubtedly experience a beautiful life!