Personality number 8

The adventure in discovering the personality of numbers is slowly coming to an end. Personality number 8 is the second to last topic in this field we will face. Numerology has helped us understand and describe the seven previous numbers, will help now.

Understanding who we are, our future, career path and what to look for in love, we will deal with in this article. If you don’t know what number you are, take a look at the following personal number calculation scheme. Once you do this, you can stay with the current text or look at our previous publications.

How to Calculate Your Personality Number In Numerology?

Fortunately, calculating your personal number is very simple and it is done based on the consonants of your name or names (if you have more). Each number is marked with an alphabet letter as in the table below.

1 – J;S

2 – B;K;T

3 – C;L

4 – D;M;V

5 – N;W

6 – F;X

7 – G;P;Y

8 – H;Q;Z

9 – R

When the result is above 9, for example 17, convert it to the equation 1 + 7 = 8.

Personality number 8

Undoubtedly, you are a sociable person who can entertain and interest in conversation. You also have strong leadership qualities. They relate to decision-making skills and directness.

You treat expressing your own opinions as something normal, you do not hide your views.

Despite your passion for expensive things (not necessarily jewelry), money is just a means to help and make others happy. True happiness is for you when you can have what you want, but your loved ones must also be happy.

Even a dream car will not give you joy if for some reason your loved one is sad.

As number 8, you have the ability to create great things, but also to tear them down. Your words matter to people around you. You should manage this power wisely so that people who see authority in you do not understand them.

You take on tasks that other people say that they can’t cope with them. Learn how to be assertive, show them that they can, otherwise, do their work for you.

People with personality number 8 in their environment can easily develop. Numbers 8 are happy to provide advice and experience.


Workaholism is the bane of modern times, unfortunately you are its victim. You are working to achieve the best results. You neglect the relaxation and relatives you care about so much. You think they expect you to be tyrant, but it’s not true, they need you.

If you don’t let go, you can lead to a dead end at which end will be a descent to the sewers interpreted as depression and deterioration of health.

If something is to be done right, you have to do it yourself. While sometimes there is some truth in it, you are not able to implement each project yourself and meet all challenges. Learn to separate tasks among colleagues and do not take part in each task, believe us, the world will not break down.

A busy schedule is meant to enrich you and you will be able to realize your and others’ dreams. The problem is you won’t have time for this. In addition, life in a constant race will result in a worse diet, or rather a lack of it.

Luck of success they have that they can’t say “yes, this is what I wanted to achieve, that’s all I need”. You still don’t have enough, even though you have a lot. The increasing numbers on your bank account please the materialistic part of your soul, but it’s just a piece of your personality.

This way of putting things can push you towards stimulants, after all it is the easiest way to “relax” and forget about a moment.

You glorify yourself in your own head. You have the irresistible impression that your loved ones do not understand what you are struggling with and how many responsibilities you have.

Accompanied by the thought that without you all this will fall, so in the morning you get up and go to work overtime again.

Unfortunately, these aspects can also affect the ruthless treatment of others and loneliness.


It is not right that a charismatic leader who attracts people to himself looks like the last bash. You like to dress well, sometimes even the best of all company. Following the principle that good quality should be paid well, you have no problem buying expensive things.

This applies to clothing as well as electronics, motorization and other aspects of life. You work hard to be able to have such things, so why not use them?

Career path

As a hard-working person, you should not have problems finding a job. Your willingness to help colleagues will not pass unnoticed and will allow you to get promoted.

Your relationships with people who show no commitment and are lazy will suffer.

Being direct you can gain in the eyes of the employer or lose depending on which personality number you hit. This feature will also allow you to ask about increases, bonuses and holidays, you will not feel fear of meeting the boss.

When running your own business, you are undoubtedly a demanding boss, you expect from yourself and from others full commitment. People who try to flash from work will not be your employees for long.

Just what better job in someone’s company or starting your own business? The answer is difficult, because diligence and charisma will allow you to achieve success on your own, but no one will hold the reins over you. You will probably overwork, which will affect your health.

If you decide to work full-time, choose between finance, business, politics and similar areas of life that affect others.

Sooner or later you will achieve professional success, or at least success in financial terms. You may go bankrupt along the way, but you will not treat them as failures and teach them to continue living.

Compatibility with other numbers

You get along best with number 1. Both you and the numerological ones have strong leadership qualities. It cannot be ruled out that this will lead to conflicts, but in the end there is nothing wrong with that. Also the slightly milder characteristics of number 2 will be good for making friends.

Love and friendship

You have no problem getting and keeping friends. The longer someone talks to you, the more heat from your heart reaches him. You are a good friend, but sometimes you let your downside prevail, which can lead to conflicts.

In love life you should also not have problems finding a second half. A hardworking, smiling and good person is a good candidate for life.

On the other hand, a potential workaholic who is almost not at home and can reach for alcohol, looks much worse as a candidate for husband/wife.

Disadvantages of personality number 8 can also arise in parenthood. Such an unscrupulous person will pass on their values ​​to children and will bring them up in their own way without looking at the opinions of the other parent.

Summary and tips

You have many advantages, and your disadvantages are mainly about how you are for yourself and not for others. The sooner you understand that the gift of hard work, determination and empathy towards others is to serve you for life and not continuous work, the sooner you will achieve happiness.

Nobody talks about giving up fulfilling professional aspirations, strive for them, but reward yourself with a moment of relaxation after each small success.

Personality number 8 is the people we wish to everyone in our environment. They are able to sacrifice themselves for others, although they are materialists do not show it, in this way they realize themselves.

If you have a numerological number 8 side by side, do not use her generosity and readiness to work hard, make him feel the rock in you, the person with whom he can always talk, the person who always understands her.