The Literary Archive

Primary sources

On Liberty

Essai inédit de Mme du Châtelet, Chap. V: Sur la Liberté. National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg, Voltaire Collection, Vol. IX: 126.

Ruth.E. Hagengruber, Andrea Brown, Ulla Kölving, Stefanie Ertz (2020-2021).

Translation of Mandeville’s The Fable of the bees

(MandevilleCom2020) Du Châtelet, É. 2020. The Mandeville Commentary. A historical and critical online edition by R. E. Hagengruber, A. Brown, U. Kölving, S. Ertz. 2020–2021. 

A projected verse anthology

Three notebook leaves on Descartes, Newton, Fontenelle

Notes on Toussaint’s Les Mœurs