Auto/biographical Archive

Accompanying my elders, I travelled far to the extraordinary places of interest to expand my scope of knowledge. I also met the talented gentry ladies from all across the empire. Enjoying thousands of poems in the mornings and hundreds of works of art in the evenings, we filled up our bags and cases with exchanged writings. 

("Preface", in Wang Zhenyi, Defengting chuji, 1a, translated in Wang 2014, 71)

Leung, Angela, Ki Che. 1998. ‘Wang Zhenyi’, translated by W. Zang. In Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: V. 1: The Qing Period, 1644-1911, edited by Lee, Lily XiaoHong, Clara Law and A.D. Stefanowska, 230-232. London and New York: Routledge.

Peterson, Bennet, Barbara. 2000. ‘Wang Zhenyi’ in Notable Women Of China: Shang Dynasty to the Early Twentieth Century, edited by Barbara Bennett Petrson with He Hong Fei, Han Tie, Wang Ziyu and Zhang Guangyu, 341-346. New York: M. E. Sharp.