The Auto/biographical archive

Bölling, Reinhard. 1993. Ed. Briefwechsel Zwischen Karl Weierstrass Und Sofja Kowalewskaja. Berlin: Academie Verlag.

Kovalevskaya, Sofia, Vasilevna. 1951. Memories and Letters [Kоваевской, Cофье, B. Восnомuнанця u nuсьма]. Moscow: AN SSSR.

Kovalevskaya, Sofia Vladimirovna (Fufa). 1951. ‘Memories of my mother’ [Восnомuнанця о матeриъ].  In Kovaleskaia, Sofe, Memories and Letters. Moscow: AN SSSR, 360-68.

Kovalevskaya, Sofia. 1891. ‘An Autobiographical Sketch’ in Russkaya starina, No1, 1891, 450-463, trans. Beatrice Stillman in Kovalevskaya, Sofia, 1978. A Russian Childhood. New York: Springer-Verlag, 213-229.

Kovalevskaya, Sofia. 1895a. ‘Reminiscences of Childhood [Life in Russia: The sisters Rajevski]’ In Sonia Kovalevsky. Biography and Autobiography. Trans. Louise Von Cossel. London: Walter Scott, 167-317.

Kovalevskaya, Sofia. 1895b. ‘Recollections of Childhood’. Trans. Isabel F. Hapgood. In Sónya Kovalévsky, Her Recollections of Childhood. With a Biography. New York: The Century Co. 1-151.

Kovalevskaya, Sofia. 1978 [1895]. A Russian Childhood. Trans. Beatrice Stillman. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Kovalevskii, Aleksader, O. and Vladimir, O. Kovalevskii. 1948. ’Letters’. In Scientific Legacy [Nauchnoe nasledstvo]. Moscow: AN SSSR, Vol.I, 185-423.