The Critical Archive

Centre international d’étude du xviiie siècle

History of Women Philosophers and Scientists

Detlefsen, Karen. 2017 “Émilie Du Châtelet on Women’s Minds and Education,” in S. Hetherington (ed.) What Makes a Philosopher Great? London: Routledge, 128–147.

Gardiner, Linda 1984. “Women in Science.” In French Women and the Age of Enlightenment, edited by Samia Spencer. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.

Gorbatov, Inna. 2007. “From Paris to St. Petersburg: Voltaire’s Library in Russia.” Libraries & the Cultural Record 42: 308-324.

Koffi, M. 2008. “Mme Du Châtelet, l’Encyclopédia, et la philosophie des sciences,” in U. Kölving and O. Courcelle (eds.) Émile Du Châtelet: Éclairages & document nouveaux, Paris: Centre International d’Étude du XVIIIe Siècle Ferney- Voltaire, 255–266.

Kolving, Ulla and Olivier Courcelle, eds. 2008. Émilie Du Châtelet: Éclairages et Documents Nouveaux. Ferney-Voltaire: Centre International d’Étude du XVIIIi-ème Siècle.

Reichenberger, Andrea. "A Case Study in Diversifying History and Philosophy of Physics: Teaching Émilie Du Châtelet’s, Luise Lange and Grete Hermann". In: Harry, C.C., Vlahakis, G.N. (eds) Exploring the Contributions of Women in the History of Philosophy, Science, and Literature, Throughout Time. Women in the History of Philosophy and Sciences, vol 20. Springer, Cham, 2023.

Tamboukou, Maria. 2023. Exceptional Women in Science Education? Émilie du Châtelet and Maria Gaetana Agnesi, Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education, doi.10.1080/00309230.2023.2238621 (open access)

Tamboukou, Maria. 2023. Reading letters of an eighteenth-century femme philosophe: love as an existential and creative force in Émilie Du Châtelet’s correspondence, Women's History Review, (published on-line first, open access)

Tamboukou, Maria. 2023. Feeling Happiness, Feeling Science: Diffractive Readings of Émilie Du Châtelet’s and Sophie Germain’s philosophical writings. Journal of the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, 2, 68-88, doi: 10.1163/2666318X-bja00020.