Archives of Material Culture 


Photogravure by by Walker & Boutall, National Portrait Gallery, London

Stipple engraving of Ada Lovelace as a child, based on a drawing by Frank Stone

Portrait of Ada Byron, aged seven, by Alfred d’Orsay, c.1822

Ada Lovelace at age 17

Watercolour portrait, Alfred Edward Chalon, 1835.

Portrait by Margaret Sarah Carpenter,  1836

Portrait by William Henry Mote, 1840, National Portrait Gallery,  London

Daguerreotype of Ada Lovelace, about 1843, Bodleian Library, Oxford University

Daguerreotype of an 1852 portrait byy Henry Wyndham Phillips, Bodleian Library, Oxford University

Ada on her deathbed, sketched by her mother

Sculpture by  Etienne and Mary Milner, Horseferry Road, Westminster