The Auto/biographical archive

Barrau, Théodore-Henri. (1860). Récits historiques. Sophie Germain. La Semaine des enfants, 4(173), 121–122.Del Centina, Andrea.  'Letters of Sophie Germain preserved in Florence.' Historia Mathematica 32 , 2005, 60-75.Del Centina, Andrea and  Fiocca Alessandra. The Correspondence of Sophie Germain with Carl Friedrich Gauss. Archive for History of Exact Sciences. 2012,  66: 585–700.Del Centina, Andrea and  Fiocca Alessandra. On the Correspondence of Sophie Germain. In Mathematical Correspondences and Critical Editions, edited by Maria Teresa Borgato and Irène Passeron, 147-166. Cham, Switzerland: Birkhäuser, 2018Libri, Guglielmo. 'Notice sur Mlle Sophie Germain'. Journal des débats 1832, (May 18), 1–2.Musielak, Dora. Sophie's Diary: a mathematical novel. The Mathematical Association of America, 2002
Musielak, Dora. The Life and Mathematics of Sophie Germain, Authorhouse, 2015.
Smith Sanderson and Greer Lleaud. "Sophie Germain," Notable Women in Mathematics: A Biographical Dictionary, Charlene Morrow and Teri Perl, Editors, Greenwood Press, 1998, 62-66.
Terquem, Olry. 1860. “Biographie. Sophie Germain.” Nouvelles annales de mathématiques (Supplément: Bulletin de bibliographie, d’histoire et de biographie mathématiques) I–19: 9–13.
Viollet-Le-Duc, E. -E. 1879. Sophie Germain. Le xixe siècle (April 30), 5, 114.