Member Expectations

In order for our organization to run smoothly, all NSSLHA members are expected to know, understand, and agree to the following expectations:

  • Members are expected to keep their own record of events they have attended and the corresponding points. You can compare your records with ours at general meetings. Please send an email to the Membership Chair if there are any discrepancies. Discrepancies will only be reviewed when requested by email, not in person.

  • Members are expected to sign in at events or show other proof of attendance at events. This may be parking or event receipts, photos, materials from an event, or signing in with a NSSLHA representative. Proof of attendance should be turned into the Membership Chair in a timely manner. Please do not wait until the last month of the semester.

  • NSSLHA requires that members attend 3/4ths of the meeting in order to receive points.

  • Members are expected to correspond in a courteous and respectful manner with all NSSLHA leaders. Please allow up to 48 hours for a response to emails.

  • Members are expected to follow any specific instructions for RSVPing to an event or volunteer opportunity. Instructions may require further action after RSVPing.

  • Members are expected to attend any events or volunteer opportunities they sign up for. This helps us maintain our strong reputation and our partnerships with other organizations. When you are a no-show, it reflects poorly on our organization. If you have a last minute reason you are not available to attend, please notify the appropriate person.

  • Members who join our Facebook group agree to post only NSSLHA or school related posts and refrain from any content that may be offensive, including complaints about professors, administrators, or other students. Members who violate this expectation will be removed from the Facebook group.

Any questions regarding these expectations can be directed to the NSSLHA President at