Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I join NSSLHA?

There are many reasons to join CSUF NSSLHA. Membership looks great on your resume for graduate admissions as well as job or volunteer applications. In addition, CSUF NSSLHA provides valuable information and opportunities to assist you in your pursuit of a career in speech-language pathology or audiology. Some examples of what NSSLHA membership can offer are:

● Information on volunteer opportunities

● Information on workshops, seminars, conferences and other professional growth opportunities

● Tools to help you prepare for graduate school including taking the GRE, writing a letter of intent, and creating a resume

● Information on scholarships

● Financial assistance to attend seminars and conferences opportunity to meet and form relationships with other Communicative Disorders students, professors, and professionals

● Great attribute on grad apps

Besides all this, we have a great time creating lasting memories and meaningful relationships both on campus and in the community!

How Do I Get Connected?

Getting connected is easy! Visit us on our Facebook page at CSUF NSSLHA and get connected with members and board members instantly. We are also on Instagram @csufnsslha, where you can find snaps of current NSSLHA activities and events. If you’d like to be an official member of NSSLHA, email our membership coordinator at and you will receive information and a simple membership form to fill out. For other questions, contact our president at

How much does membership cost?

Semester membership is $35 or $60 for the whole year.

What is active membership?

Active membership requires accruing 100 points during the course of the semester. Points are offered for every event, workshop, volunteer opportunity, meeting, and service projects. We offer a wide variety of opportunities to earn points in order to accommodate busy schedules, long commutes, and heavy class loads. Even if you cannot attend general meetings, there are many additional opportunities to earn points and become an active member. At the end of each semester, our Membership Chair will publish a list of active members, which will also be forwarded to the Communicative Disorders department and the National NSSLHA chapter.

How do I know if I have enough points?

It is each member’s responsibility to keep track of the events they attend and to make sure they sign-in or provide proof of attendance at a particular event. Questions about points should be addressed to

Is National NSSLHA and CSUF NSSLHA the same membership?

National NSSLHA is NSSLHA on the national level & CSUF NSSLHA is an independently operated chapter by our very on CSUF students. Signing up for National NSSLHA membership does not make you a member of CSUF NSSLHA. Likewise, registering for CSUF NSSLHA does not make you a member of National NSSLHA. Both must be registered for separately.