Task Force Combating White Supremacy & Fascist Ideology

The Task Force Combating White Supremacy & Fascist Ideology, currently chaired by the NSCC's Secretary-General, is an inter-organizational task force comprised of the following organizations to develop transparent, sustainable, and effective strategies for combating propaganda used to create and maintain divisions in our multicultural campus community and greater social network:

Graduate Employees of Northeastern University - UAW

Northeastern Student of Color Caucus

Student Government Association of Northeastern University

Graduate Student Government of Northeastern University

New Renaissance Theatre Company, Member CNSOC

Northeastern University College Democrats

Progressive Student Alliance, USAS Local 115

Latin American Student Organization

Northeastern Full-time Non-tenure-track Faculty Union Organizing Committee

Statements, Updates, & Sign-Up

Check out our latest statements and updates, below:

CWSFI July 19th 2019 Statement
21 June 2019 Statement

To learn more about Task Force CWSFI or to get involved, contact Task Force Chair & NSCC's Secretary-General at secgen.nscc@gmail.com.