The Family

Creating a dynasty

Nothing is more important than family. Family is linage, the basis of your beginnings, and through unfolds a legacy. 

Lord of the House

riji Decimus Calderon

The Lord of House Calderon, Riji Decimus Calderon, first of his name, is the second born of the first Half-Blood Calderon dynasty. The mantle of leadership was thrust upon him after his elder brother, Jericho, relinquished his right to pursue knowledge of the Essence. Overseeing their small settlement, and young for anyone with elven blood, he has accepted the burden with a righteous mind and keen heart, ready to undo the damages after generations of downfall for the Calderon Family. Human in instinct, he forges a path forward while adhering to Empyrean Elven culture and heritage.

The Young Rebel

Cruxx Dior Calderon

Formerly known as 'Dior', Cruxx is the youngest and the 2nd in line in the Calderon family hierarchy. In lieu of his negligible station, he has a natural proclivity for adventure, risk, and lustful desires. On occasion, his brazen lifestyle invites a cult following of local peers and thrill-seekers alike. However, in the family's effort to quell the rogue-like behavior and encourage his hereditary responsibility. The family one-day hopes Cruxx will separate the ne'er-do-well from the noble.

Eldest Scholar

Jericho Sauvage Calderon

Jericho Savauge Calderon is the first born son of the Half-Blood Calderon dynasty. His obsessive passion for science, art, literature and the unknown, ultimately led to the abdication of the house lordship. Through his shame and guilt, he spent time in exile before returning to serve the house as a catalyst for a “higher purpose”. Now he wishes to use his newly found knowledge and power to make amends, restore the house name and conclusively rebuild the Calderon reputation to its once admired grandeur... as well as his own.

Wise Uncle

Alenduil Calderon

Eldest of the Calderon Family, Alenduil was born a pure-blooded Empyrean and the second son of Ardelos Calderon. Sent away to the Empyrean Capital at a young age, he was raised within the walls of the Empyrean Martial Institute. When he came of age, Alenduil was recruited into the King's Guard; where he served as a Knight for over a century before being called to return to Salhaven. Finding his house in ruin, he has vowed to restore his Family's prestige; no matter the cost.

The Knight

Arontinir Calderon

The bastard son of the Bruin: Arontinir Calderon vowed to earn his father's respect and praise from a young age. He began the path to knighthood younger than most, but he had one goal in mind: If he couldn't inherit by blood, he would earn by skill. After the death of Lethelos, Arontinir slowly realized how far the house had fallen. Now as the youngest Knight-Commander of House Calderon in an age, and the leader of the Order of the Knights Gallant; he vows to do everything in his power to bring respect and glory back to the House in the wake of Lethelos' demise.

Free Spirit

Dasyra Calderon

Born the bastard daughter of Lethelos Calderon from a revenge affair, Dasyra carries the bloodline of the main family lineage as a full-blooded Empyrean. Her early childhood was filled with neglect and abuse from her father, until her uncle, Alenduil, took her away to the Empyrean Capital as his ward. Due to a suspected genetic trait that predisposed her to berserker-like episodes and stunted her emotional growth, she was isolated away from society for most of her life to undergo rehabilitation. 

Chief Advisor 

Valathrion Calderon

Born as the first son of Aelithas Calderon, Valathrion was trained in the arts of diplomacy, trade, and warfare to serve as an advisor to Lethelos, the Lord of the House. When tragedy struck and Lethelos passed, he assisted the next Lord of the House; Riji Calderon, to take his rightful place. Pragmatic and a clever planner, Valathrion serves his house with the knowledge and culture of his pure-blood Empyrean lineage.

The Cousin

Madisynn Calderon

Madisynn was born to a distant family member of the Calderons. As her father's only daughter, she was constantly pampered and never complained about this lifestyle. Spending her days basking in the sun and evenings frequenting balls in the realm, Madisynn thrived in her life. As she grew older, her father grew more disappointed that Madisynn was not maturing as one would expect a maiden of her age. Frustrated, her father send her to the Calderon Estate under the agreement that she'd act as Steward to learn responsibility and work ethic.