
Choose your Path

The Legion

Military Path (RP-PVP)


Social/Support Path (RP-PVE)

These are the overarching paths you may take in the Vassal House of House Calderon. Each path will set you to two separate priorities of content.

The Legion: The combat arm of House Calderon. The Legion is House Calderon's collective military path. Anyone who intends to play combative roles will begin here. The Calderon Legion serve as House Guards, Professional Soldiers, Sailors, Knights, and more. NOTE: In House Calderon, we do not RP out combat, we play the game. Thus, all members of the Legion regardless of their role, will find themselves in PvP situations. This is purely due to the nature of the game mechanics of Ashes of Creation and the need to defend ourselves in an open world. A culturally Empyrean medieval military structure and life await you here as part of the Infantry, Archers, Cavalry, Sailor, Knight, or other. Based heavily on Roman military culture and ranks. The Legion needs you!

Citizens: The Citizen path, focuses on roleplaying the loyal citizens of House Calderon. These are the direct staff members who aid in the day-to-day of the House's management, or independent citizens who pledge to the Calderons. These individuals are the support staff in the employ of the House. Support-focused characters and dedicated role-players will feel at home here. Players focusing on artisan classes, trade, exploration, and more will find their home in this branch. Living among the Calderons on their land (Freehold), or inside their estates (Player Homes). Tending businesses and ventures by House Calderon.Â