High remembrance

House Calderon began in ancient Verra as a part of the Pyrian Kingdom as a subsect of the Empyrean lineage. They would develop themselves as Drake riding Empyrean Skyraiders, warriors of the highest order who took pride in the training and use of Drakes as weapons of war. This great status would fall into myth and legend as the eventual Collapse occurs, sending the mortal realm crippled to the world of Sanctus. 

The modern House Calderon of Sanctus without their Drakes, powerful magic, and ability to command vast armies for their elven lords reduced the House. Passing from generation to generation, the Calderons would use their military prowess and knowledge to aid in their worth to warlords who would carve out parts of Sanctus. This life of mercenary work ended 3 generations ago with Kendelos Calderon. 

Kendelos, first of his name, was racked with bloodlust and a temperament that would lead to the beginnings of House Calderon’s ruin. Serving a wealthy Baron in  the vanguard during a war of attrition for resources, Kendelos would lead his bannermen into a slaughter which would reduce the fighting men of House Calderon by half. The loss was so great, that never again could the House muster a competitive force to the field, losing both honor and prestige once afforded to them. Kendelos, racked with grief, would retire to their built estate of Salhaven, where he died of stricken grief. 

Kendelos’s son, Ardelos, fared no better than his father. Keeping to Calderon tradition of service, he would begin a tradition of on and off season of warfare. The citizens of his domain, a small province, were unable to keep up with demands of their liege lord. Men were conscripted, while women and children were forced to tend the fields and farms to feed Ardelos’ war machine. Dubbed the “Calderon Crusaders” the years that followed led to hardships and a loss of faith in the Calderon line. Unable to have a professional force under his command, and with only conscripts forced into the fight. Ardelos and his wife Faelan would die at the hands of an armed rebellion. 

Lethelos, eldest son of two, took his father’s mantle at a ripe young age of only 24. Very young for any Elf, but mature enough with ambition to set right the issues of his father and grandfather. Lethelos would break the rebellion of the province and with his brother Alenduil, stabilize the region. Riches and fame returned to House Calderon, if only for a time. A century would pass, and it seemed as though the worries of House Calderon were well behind them. Lethelos, however, developed something his ancestors did not; greed. A deep sin befell the mind of Lethelos as he began to name landmarks around the province after himself. He would mint coins in his image, and fall into gambling and heavy drink at the dismay and counsel of his brother. Lethelos debts would climb as decades passed, and more money would be driven to maddening projects and useless plans. Lethelos in all his glory, began to slip further, but his greatest betrayal to their legacy was to be the first in thousands of years to break tradition and not take a fellow elven wife. A fateful night would see him cross paths with his wife; Ursa Thorne, a Kaelar human, whom he would have relations with in secret, and then eventually in public once she became a child. Three sons would be born of this union, the first half-elves in House Calderon history, named against tradition, in hybrid names of the two cultures: Jericho, Riji, and Cruxx.

The birth of their three sons did not spell an end to Lethelos’ decline however, as an insult to injury, once sons were sired, Lethelos’ interests began to waver away from his wife. A mistress would take up his time, along with further gambling, leading to a pure Elven Half-Sister to be born of Lethelos’ own design. Stricken with grief, Ursa would return home, only to fall into the hands of an old lover. Her desperation reaches out to him, eventually leading to an unfaithful night in retaliation for Lethelos’ actions. The result was a bastard, an all human boy, who was brought home months later. Lethelos did not strike down Ursa for the betrayal however, knowing he himself had his mistress, allowed the boy to take the name Calderon, adopting him fully into the House as the only Human besides his mother to do so. Years would pass, debts would climb, and Lethelos’ madness with money and power only grew, even as the next generation grew. The end would come through what only could be called divine judgment. Lightning would strike the estate, catching it ablaze, and trapping Lethelos within. In an attempt to save her husband, Ursa herself would rush to his side, only to be trapped with him in a tragic night for the House. All children were able to escape, thanks to their uncle; Alenduil, the Butler, and several others of the house staff. 

While in their 20s, the Half-Elf sons of Lethelos and Ursa were still considered youths in elven eyes. Yet, the duty of leading House Calderon had now fallen unto them. The task of head of household would fall to Jericho, the eldest, however he surrendered the title. A pursuit in higher education, research, and the mysteries of their lineage led him to cede his right to his younger brother, and second son of Lethelos; Riji. Riji would take the mantle, pledging to undo his father’s debts, and usher a new era for House Calderon under a united Elven-Human cultural revolution. Years pass, and under the watchful guidance of their uncle, the new generation of House Calderon have heard tales of the portals reopening to Verra. An opportunity had come to reclaim their ancient birthright, and bring honor back to their House. It was this that led Riji to bring the House to follow their mother’s House; House Thorne, to the service of House Kimura who was preparing for the eventuality of returning to Verra. A new beginning, for a House shattered in fire.