
The Working class

Citizens are the lifeblood of the House, for they make the goods and coin that allow the community and node to thrive. These Citizens will inhabit the Calderon lands in and around the node we call home. 

Independence at a price

A Citizen is free to RP wherever, whenever, and however they want. Our Legion protects them, and they have much available to them with the rest of Gilded House. Citizens are asked to serve through support. A Blacksmith may be asked to make weapons. Farmers, a harvest to feed a banquet. Citizens must step up to provide for not just themselves but for the whole House. 

climbing the social ladder

Commoners need not stay in the peasantry for long. Opportunities may arise in RP and by gathering fellow players to you. Start a family, run a business or other venture, and see how far you can make it up the social hierarchy. House Calderon can help you ascend!