
These publications are directly related to projects pursued by the network's members:

  • Mycock, Louise & Chi Lun Pang (2021). “Funny that isn’t it: ProTags in combination at the right periphery.” Journal of Pragmatics 182: 92-103. (link)

  • Mycock, Louise & James Mission (2021). "Lone pronoun tags in Early Modern English: ProTag constructions in the dramas of Jonson, Marlowe and Shakespeare." English Language & Linguistics 25(2): 379-407. (link)

  • Dreschler, Gea (2020). "'Fifty pounds will buy me a pair of horses for my carriage': the history of permissive subjects in English." English Language & Linguistics 24(4): 719-744. (link)

  • Leuckert, Sven & Sofia Rüdiger (2020). "Non-canonical syntax in an Expanding Circle variety: Fronting in spoken Korean(ized) English." English World-Wide 41(1): 33-58. (link)

The following publications have been published by network members before the initiation of the network, but have a direct bearing on the projects:

  • Dayter, Daria & Sofia Rüdiger (2016). "Reporting from the Field: The Narrative Reconstruction of Experience in Pick-up Artist Online Communities." Open Linguistics 2(1): 337-351.

  • Dreschler, Gea (2015). Passives and the Loss of Verb Second: A Study of Syntactic and Information-Structural Factors. PhD Dissertation, Radboud University Nijmegen. Utrecht: LOT.

  • Götz, Sandra (2017). "Non-canonical syntax in South-Asian varieties of English: A corpus-based pilot study on fronting." Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 65(3): 265-281.

  • Günther, Christine (2012). The Elliptical Noun Phrase in English. Structure and Use. London: Routledge.

  • Lange, Claudia (2012). The Syntax of Spoken Indian English. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

  • Leuckert, Sven (2019). Topicalization in Asian Englishes. Forms, Functions, and Frequencies of a Fronting Construction. London: Routledge.

  • Mycock, Louise (2019). "Right-dislocated pronouns in British English: the form and functions of ProTag constructions." English Language & Linguistics 23(2): 253-275.

  • Pham, Teresa (2017). "'Hard to beat Dickens’ characters’: Non-canonical syntax in evaluative texts." Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 65(3): 247-264.