2nd Meeting: Gießen (2020)

Members and guests of the NoCaSynE network at their second official meeting in Gießen. © Teresa Pham

The second meeting took place in Gießen in 2020 and focused on methodological issues related to the study of non-canonical syntax and statistical analysis. We invited Prof Dr Stefan Th. Gries (UC Santa Barbara/University of Gießen) and Prof Dr Sebastian Hoffmann (University of Trier) as expert guests; additional overview talks were offered by the network members Christine Günther and Teresa Pham.

Stefan Th. Gries offered a workshop on (advanced) statistics and guided us through current issues in applying statistics to linguistic data. Sebastian Hoffmann provided an input talk on corpus linguistics for the study of non-canonical syntax.

Day 1 (27 February 2020)

The first day began with plenary talks by Stefan Th. Gries and Sebastian Hoffmann and continued with two methodological input talks by Christine Günther (on experimental methods) and Teresa Pham (on factorial surveys). Then, after a lunch break, the project presentations began. All network members put the focus on methods and methodology as well as their data in order to give the expert guests overviews as well as the opportunity to get feedback.

Day 2 (28 February 2020)

The second day continued with the project presentations as well as a discussion of general and organisational issues.

Day 3 (29 February 2020)

The final day featured a statistics workshop conducted by Stefan Th. Gries. The workshop focused on issues primarily with 'popular' statistical methods and models, such as conditional inference trees and random forests. Finally, the research groups met for discussions of the joint article to be produced by the network members.

NoCaSynE Gießen_Schedule_final.pdf