944 Race St.

District: Lower Garden - Full Control

Owner: Race Street Property Group

HDLC Staff: Jesse Stephenson

Rating: Contributing

Applicant: Race Street Property Group

Permit #: 23-19849-HDLC

Description: Retention of the demolition of two chimneys and removal of ridge tiles at a Contributing rated, one-story, single-family residential building without a Certificate of Appropriateness.

HDLC Guidelines: 

Retention Items:

Staff Recommendations: 

As the chimneys were removed without HDLC approval or permits, but have not been reconstructed, Staff recommends that the retention application be granted. Although the staff is recommending the retention application be approved, this is NOT to be misconstrued as the staff condoning such inappropriate removal. The rhythm and placement of chimneys typically reflect the internal organization of a building and represent an important building feature. Removal of historic chimneys is only approved by the HDLC if they are structurally deficient. Staff also recommends the denial of the retention of the removal of ridge tiles with the replacement to be part of  23-19849-HDLC.

Case History:

Inspection Photos:

Street View: