118 Verret St.

District: Algiers Point - Full Control

Owner: Sophie W Gallo

HDLC Staff: Chase Klugh

Rating: Contributing

Applicant: Green Light Solar, LLC

Permit #: 23-18105-HDLC

Description: Retention of installation of highly visible roof-mounted solar equipment at right-side roof slope of a Contributing rated, one-story, single-family residential building. 

HDLC Guidelines: 

Retention Items:

Staff Recommendations: 

118 Verret Street is a ca. 1880 frame camelback residence located at the corner of Verret and Delaronde Streets. In July 2023, a permit case was opened (#23-18105) for the installation of roof mounted solar equipment. At that time, the applicant was notified that the proposed solar installation would require the review and approval of the HDLC NO Commission due to the proposed location of the solar array. This notification also included information related to bringing the installation into compliance with HDLC guidelines for solar installation. 

On September 1, 2023 an HDLC inspection revealed that solar had been installed at the building without an HDLC CofA or building permit. The applicant and owner were made aware of the HDLC violation for working without a permit and are petitioning the Commission to allow retention of the installation with revisions to the current condition. 

The main revision to the as installed condition when compared to the revised plans is that the solar will be removed from the front facing roof slope facing Verret Street. This revision is a welcomed change as the Guidelines prohibit solar panels at front facing roof slopes. The retention aspect of the installation includes the solar array at the right-side roof slope facing Delaronde Street. Although naturally screened by the trees at that elevation, this portion of the building is street-facing and areas of the roof are visible. In addition, the solar equipment at the camelback portion will increase visibility. In general, the HDLC does not allow for the installation of roof-mounted solar equipment at street-facing roof slopes. Because the left-side interior roof slope is an option, Staff recommends denial of the as installed condition, noting that solar can be installed at the left-side slope. 

Case History:


HDLC Violation:

Context Photos:

Current Drawings:

118 Verret_solar.pdf

Sanborn Maps:

1896 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map: 

Street View: