1313-1333 Jackson Ave.

District: Lower Garden - Full Control

Owner: Trinity Church

HDLC Staff: Wendy Cargile

Rating: Landmark

Applicant: Daniel Ferg

Permit #: 22-25020-HDLC

Description: Changes to previously approved installation of new mechanical equipment on a street facing elevation of a designated Landmark.

Previous Commission & ARC Motions:

02/01/23: The Commission voted to grant conceptual approval with the details to be worked out at the staff level.  

01/17/23: The ARC recommended conceptual approval with the details to be worked out at the staff level. The ARC agreed that moving the electrical box to the far left of the window was not possible, due to the location of the existing stair. The ARC stated that plantings should be kept in front of the new electrical box.  

12/20/22: Due to lack of quorum the ARC could not make a recommendation to the Commission. The following recommendations will be ratified at the next ARC meeting. The ARC stated that the electrical box should move to the far-left corner by the side entrance and that the back flow box should be painted to match the landscaping.

11/15/22: The ARC voted to defer this application for additional review. The ARC stated that the backflow box and electrical box should be moved further back on the property away from Jackson and closer to the neighboring building on Coliseum St. If that is not possible, they should be moved to the left side of the side entrance door. 

Context Photos:

Current Drawings:

1329 Jackson_ARC Mechanical3.pdf

Previously Approved Drawings - 01/17/23:

1329 Jackson_ARC Mechanical2.pdf

Previous Drawings - 11/15/22:

1329 Jackson_ARC Mechanical.pdf

Street View: