
2015.3.19 (木) 13:00〜16:00@中野キャンパス6階研究セミナー室3


講演者1: Gadi Fibich (Tel Aviv University) 13:00〜

『Necklace solitary waves on bounded domains』

概要:In this talk I will present a new type of solitary waves of the two-dimensional cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation on bounded domains. These multi-peak "necklace" solitary waves consist of several identical localized profiles ("pearls"), such that adjacent "pearls" have opposite signs. We observe numerically that necklace solitary waves on bounded domains such as rectangles, circles, and annuli, are stable at low powers, but become unstable at powers well below the critical power for collapse.

This is in contrast with the corresponding ground-state ("single-pearl") solitary waves, which are always stable. The necklace instability is excited by perturbations that break the antisymmetry between adjacent pearls, and thus lead to power transfer between pearls. In particular, necklace instability is unrelated to collapse. In order to compute numerically the profile of necklace solitary waves on bounded domains such as rectangles, circles, and annuli, we introduce a non-spectral variant of Petviashvili's renormalization method.

Joint work with Dima Shpigelman

講演者2: Olivier Pinaud (Colorado State University, U.S.) 14:30〜

『Recent results in the analysis of quantum hydrodynamical models』

概要:The motivation for this work is to lay the mathematical foundations of a formal theory introduced by P. Degond and C. Ringhofer in 2003 about quantum hydrodynamics. Their idea is to transpose to the quantum setting Levermore's closure strategy by entropy minimization for the derivation of hydrodynamical models. We will present two different types of results: the first ones concern the resolution of the so-called quantum moment problem, which is the first brick of the theory and a transposition to operators of the classical moment problem for measures. The second ones concern the dynamics of quantum states and their convergence to statistical equilibria.

2015.1.14 (水) 14:40〜15:40@中野キャンパス6階研究セミナー室3

第6回明治非線型数理セミナー・第9回自己組織化セミナー合同開催 (Poster)

講演者: Andrea Tosin (Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "M. Picone", Italy)

『Microscopic, macroscopic: comparison and multiscale coupling』

概要:In this talk we will consider dynamical models for systems of interacting particles formulated in terms of differential equations at two different scales: ordinary differential equations for the microscopic scale, at which particles are represented singularly, and partial differential equations for the macroscopic scale, at which particles are assimilated to a continuum with density. We will give analytical details concerning the similarities and differences between these two scales and we will discuss some of their possible couplings in a multiscale perspective. The motivating applications are especially human crowds and cell colonies.

2015.1.14 (水) 13:30〜14:30@中野キャンパス6階研究セミナー室3

第5回明治非線型数理セミナー・第8回自己組織化セミナー合同開催 (Poster)

講演者: Guy Theraulaz (Université Paul Sabatier, France)

『Secrets of swarm architecture: 3D stigmergic construction in ant colonies』

概要:One of the most famous feats of insect societies is their ability to build impressive nest architectures. The evolution of construction techniques used by ants, wasps, bees and termites has provided a whole set of innovations in terms of architectural designs that proved to be efficient to control nest temperature, to ensure gas exchanges with the outside environment or to adapt nest architecture to colony size. The big question is: how do insects interact to coordinate their building actions? To investigate these issues, we focused on the early stages of nest construction in the garden ant Lasius niger. We disentangled the coordinating mechanisms at work and then developed a 3D model implementing these mechanisms. Our model showed that the evaporation rate of a building pheromone was a highly influential parameter. The model also revealed that complex helicoidal structures connecting nearby chambers emerge from a constant remodeling process of the nest architecture.

2014.10.10 (金) 17:40〜18:40@中野キャンパス6階研究セミナー室2


講演者: 小野寺有紹 (九州大学)


概要:調和函数は一点での値とその点を中心とする球または球面上の積分平均値が等しいという著しい性質を持つ.この一点での函数の値をDirac測度に関しての積分値とみなすと,調和函数の平均値の公式は Dirac測度と球または球面が同じ重力場を生成することと解釈される.本講演では,Dirac測度をより一般の測度に取り替えたときの対応する曲面について考察する.特に, 与えられた測度がDirac測度に十分に近いときの曲面の一意性および形状の安定性について述べる.証明では,測度を連続的に変化させた際に変化する曲面の動きを記述する方程式を導出,解析し,それによって得られる曲面族の存在と最大値原理より一意性を導く.

2014.9.9 (火) 18:00〜19:00@生田キャンパス5号館5201室


講演者: 長山雅晴 (北海道大学)



2014.7.21 (月) 17:00〜18:00@中野キャンパス6階603室(研究セミナー室3)


講演者: Chang-Hong Wu (National University of Tainan)

『Dynamics for a two-species competition-diffusion model with two free boundaries』

概要:In this talk, we focus on a two-species competition-diffusion model with two free boundaries. Here, two free boundaries which describe the spreading fronts of two competing species, respectively, may intersect each other. We assume that one species is a superior competitor and the other one is an inferior competitor. We then study its dynamics and offer some biological insight.

This is a joint work with Jong-Shenq Guo.

2014.6.2 (月) 17:30〜18:30@中野キャンパス6階603室(研究セミナー室3)


講演者: 坂上貴之 (京都大学)『構造安定な二次元ハミルトンベクトル場の位相分類理論とその流体現象への応用』




本研究は京都教育大学 横山知郎准教授との共同研究である.また,JST数学西浦領域におけるJST CREST「渦・境界相互作用が創出するパラダイムシフト」による支援により行われたものである.