6. Assessment

Successful coaching ends with a good assessment process. Our training and resources and three actions help you to successfully complete the coaching.

6.1 Aptitude test
The student carries out the aptitude test in your work placement company. Prepare yourself and the student for the exam. Check in advance with the school what exactly is expected of you during the exam.
During the aptitude test, you observe, complete the assessment list and conduct an accountability interview with the examiners and student.
Internship assessment (preferably with the school counselor)
Prepare the internship assessment on the basis of the intermediate measurement and complete the assessment. Inform the student about the purpose of the assessment, his or her learning and work progress, and his motivation. Check that the student understands your assessment and then coordinate the assessment with the school counselor.

6.2 Closing advise
Prepare the closing advise. Think about whether you would like to hire the student and whether you would like to provide the student with a certificate or reference. During the conversation, ask how the student experienced the work placement period and your supervision.

6.3 Ending the process
The guidance is set! Make sure that the student hands in materials, clothing and any other resources. Close student business digital accounts. If necessary, give the student a parting gift.

Tipcard R Assessment in proces


Tipcard S Assessment.docx

End assessment