4. Set learning objectives

It is important for a student that you offer educational work that fits the profession for which the student is being trained. To achieve this, you set effective learning objectives together with the student. How do you keep an eye on whether things are going well? How often do you talk to the student? Our training and resources and four actions answer your questions.

4.1 Determine the student

Determine the level and experience of the student and map out what is expected of the training.

4.2 Set learning objectives
View the core tasks and work processes from the course and draw up a learning plan together with the student on the basis of this. We offer a handy form for this. In addition, coordinate the personal learning goals with the student. What does the student want to learn and what is his or her challenge?

4.3 Planning and monitoring
Once the learning objectives have been established, you agree with the student when assignments will be worked on and how and when you will discuss progress. Record these agreements in a schedule.

4.4 Evaluate
Discuss the curriculum with the school counselor and the student. Let the student process the feedback from this conversation and ensure that the student finalizes the learning plan.

Tipcard K types of internship and levels of education.docx

Types of internships

Tipcard L Developmental assessments.docx

Developmental assessment

Starting Workprogram.docx

Starting workprogram

Tip card N create socialy safety.docx

Socially safe work