
Let the student's first days go smoothly. Prepare the workplace in advance, inform colleagues and collect some activities. What else can you do to get the student off to a flying start? View our training and resources and three actions.

3.1 Arrange practical issues
Make sure that the correct (protective) equipment, equipment and, if necessary, clothing are available. Inform the colleagues involved about the student's arrival and prepare assignments and activities for the student in advance.

3.2 receive the student
Receive the student, give the student the right resources, show the student around and at the end of the day ask what the student thought of the first day of work.

3.3 Introduction program
Set up an introductory program that allows the student to quickly form a picture of their new workplace and you can plan your coaching tasks in a targeted manner. We offer a convenient fill-in format.

Tip card D 'Motivate your student'.docx

Discovering motivations

Tip Card E introduction program.docx

Pleasant start for students

Tip card F 'Work assignments'.docx

Well thought-out work assignments

Tipcard G for the safety practical trainer.docx


Tip card H 'Working safely and healthily'.docx

Physically safe work

Tip card I 'Guidance conversations'.docx

Guidance interview

Tip card J 'Instruction'.docx

Good instructions