
It is important for a student that you offer educational work that fits the profession for which the student is being trained. To achieve this, you set effective learning objectives together with the student. How do you keep an eye on whether things are going well? How often do you talk to the student? Our training, resources and actions answer your questions.

How do I prepare?

  • invite the student to your company

  • ask for his personal details: name and address, copy of proof of identity, possible clothing and shoe size for work clothing

  • inform the student about the salary or any internship allowance, reis costs and other allowances

  • inform the student about the number of holiday or adv days

  • create the employment or internship agreement

  • make sure necessary equipment, instruments, passwords and the like are available on the first working day

  • inform your colleagues about the arrival of the new employee

What do I discuss with the student on his first day at work?

  • the employment or internship agreement

  • the practical curriculum

  • details of the salary or any internship allowance, travel expenses and other allowances

  • the number of holiday or adv days, but also hours for doctor and dentist

  • working hours: make agreements about start times, arriving late/sick and reporting procedures

  • agreements about work clothes, work shoes, hairstyles, piercings, etc.

  • agreements about the use of a smartphone

  • the purpose, content and planned date of the performance appraisal

  • what the student expects in the coming period and what you expect from him

  • with which questions the student can contact whom

  • house rules and security rules

Tip card A Conversations.docx

Structured conversation

Tip card B questions.docx

Right questions

Tipcard C Practical Trainer preparation.docx
