How to properly care for artificial turf field

Since the appearance of artificial grass for football fields appeared on the market, households chose to invest in and trade in artificial grass. In particular, the artificial grass football field always brings a lot of profits to the family. However, how the artificial turf is always beautiful and durable is not everyone knows. So, how is the way to take care of the football field with artificial grass properly without wasting time.

How to take care of artificial grass on a football field

take care of artificial grass on a soccer field

How to take care of the artificial lawn to always be beautiful with time

Common problems with artificial turf after a period of use

Notes on maintaining artificial grass in your yard

Take care of artificial grass football field

Artificial turf maintenance

Artificial turf maintenance process

How to take care of artificial grass quickly, simply and especially without wasting time is always a question of many customers. Below are some ways to help take care of artificial grass both properly and beautifully and to ensure its durability.

Cleaning time for artificial turf

According to experts, you should only clean artificial grass from 1 to 2 times / month and especially only when it is really necessary. After you have finished installing a football field with artificial grass, you should not clean it immediately but have to wait about 3 weeks before you can clean it. Because if you clean the grass every day, it will be damaged and reduce the life of the grass.

In addition, you should not put heavy objects such as machinery, furniture or vehicles into the yard. This will damage the artificial turf on the football field.

Proper cleaning of artificial gras

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Proper cleaning keeps the grass from getting damaged

One of the ways to take care of artificial turf grass is to clean it properly. The man-made lawn cleaner will gently sweep the debris on the football field with a broom.

For other types of waste such as large metals you need to pick up and put in the trash with your hand. Because if left alone, the sweep will damage the grass quickly. When cleaning, you only sweep the upper part of the grass, not deep into the root will cause the grass to damage the root. Therefore, the sweeping action seems simple but very important.

Specific cleaning for each type of stain

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When the artificial turf is dirty, you need to choose how to clean each type of stains properly. How to clean each type of stain as follows:

For liquids such as: Coffee, tea, soft drinks, you need to use a soft cloth to absorb the water stain on the grass. Then, use clean water to wash off any remaining liquid on the artificial turf.

When artificial turf is contaminated with chemicals, depending on the type of chemical, you can choose a different cleaning method. If the stain is gum or shoe polish, use cleaning chloroethylene solution. If the stain is nail polish, use acetone to clean the grass.

Note when taking care of artificial grass

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You should not put heavy objects on the grass

You choose a soft brush and do not use a hard brush, which will affect the longevity of the grass.

One of the notes that cannot be ignored when taking care of artificial turf is not to let heavy objects on the lawn such as car, rice mill, this will cause the grass to fold.

During the care and cleaning process of artificial turf, you need to use clean water to make dirt. You should not use chemicals to care and clean the grass.

Not allowing direct sunlight on the artificial turf will cause the fibers to burn and stick together.