
The church office is open Monday-Thursday, 10 am to 4 pm.  

The office is closed on Fridays and holidays. Lunch hours vary. If you have a need, leave a message at 503-538-4789, extension 102. We will call you back or set up a time to meet with you as needed.


Register online



Tuesdays - "Sewing for Charity" - Women's Quilting & Sewing Small Group - No meeting in summer. This group begins with a devotional and prayer time. They sew quilts and children's clothing for various charities. Meet in Room 6, Tuesdays from 3-5pm . 

Wednesdays - Children's Clothes Closet - 5:30-6:30 pm each Wednesday. Free clothing in children's sizes. Call church office (503-538-4789) or Love INC (503-537-3999)  

Wednesday Night  (no meals)

Fridays - College & Young Adults Bible Study, 6:00 pm. Meal provided. Call for location.

Monthly Ladies' Bible Study - 10 am on the last Saturday of the month. For girls and women of all ages.  

Calendar of Events