What are the differences between Null Signal Games' continuation of Netrunner, and the Netrunner Reboot Project?

Many new or returning players have asked for a summary of the differences between NSG's version of Netrunner and this project's version. In short, NSG is a gradual phase-out of all (or nearly all) FFG cards which replaces them with NSG's own designs. The Netrunner Reboot Project is an effort to preserve and lightly supplement the FFG game as it was at its best. It is the view of the Reboot Project that FFG made a critical error when it chose to rotate the original core set, and we seek to remedy this error, while NSG sees such a rotation as necessary for sustainable growth.

In an attempt to be balanced, and to steer you toward the project that is right for you, here are some pros and cons of the two projects:

You might like NSG Netrunner if you want...

Larger player-base and institutional support, easy to find matches

OP structure with physical prizes

Larger and more frequent card-releases

Rapidly-changing metagame

Fast-paced gameplay with big swings

You might dislike NSG Netrunner because...

There have been occasional lapses in transparency from the organization

It can be slow to act to address balance concerns, and does so with a banned list. Due to selling a physical product they are unable to patch cards to make small tweaks.

The gameplay has become very distant from FFG Netrunner in many ways. It is often hard to feel like an equal participant in a match if you are not using top tier decks.

Nearly all old FFG cards you might own are not usable and cards you might remember from the FFG days are either gone or soon to be rotated.

You might like The Netrunner Reboot Project if you want...

Total transparency from the project with regard to balancing and reasoning

Swift responses and action when balance concerns arise. There is no banned list since cards can be patched live.

A slowly shifting metagame where new decks arise, but your old favorites never rotate and will always be legal.

Methodical gameplay similar to the FFG game (although fast and punishing options do exist and see play as well)

Tier 2 options to not feel desperately far behind the tier 1 decks

Many old FFG cards you wanted to make work, but could not, to be viable options in deckbuilding.

Smaller card drops with less pack-filler

You might dislike Reboot because...

It has a smaller player-base where you may sometimes need to wait for a match

There is no in-person OP (although there are online leagues)

There are smaller and less-frequent card releases