

Food Science

Lynne McLandsborough

Department Head
Department of Food Science
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Faculty Page

Overview of Food Science

What is the structure of the field; what are the foundational ideas?  What are the big questions that this field is asking?  In what new directions is research in this science going?  How is research conducted in the field? What instrumentation is used? How is data captured? 

Alissa Nolden

Assistant Professor
Clydesdale Professorship
Department of Food Science
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Faculty Page
Lab Website


Research in Dr. Nolden's lab is focused on chemosensory perception in humans. 

Her research combines areas of sensory evaluation, food science, and clinical and translational science.  


John Sirard

Associate Professor
Department of Kinesiology
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Faculty Page

Kinesiology 101: An Overview of the Discipline

What is the structure of the field; what are the foundational ideas?  What are the big questions that this field is asking?  In what new directions is research in this science going?  How is research conducted in the field? What instrumentation is used? How is data captured?  

Amanda Paluch

Assistant Professor
Department of Kinesiology
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Faculty Page

10,000 steps per day?  Addressing gaps between common knowledge and scientific evidence on how many steps we need for good health.

No public health guidelines currently recommend the number of steps per day for health benefits. Although the goal of 10,000 steps per day is widely promoted as optimal for general health, it is not based on evidence, but instead originates from a marketing campaign in Japan.

To address this gap, I have lead a consortium of 18 international studies including more than 50 scientists to better understand how many steps we should be taking to lower our risk of death and disease.  In this talk, I will share our systematic review and harmonized meta-analysis methods and results that have allowed for a better understanding of how many steps we need for health benefits.

Computer Science: AI and Machine Learning

Beverly Woolf

Research Professor
Manning College of Information & Computer Sciences
Center for Data Science
Center for Knowledge Communication
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Faculty Page

Tour of Artificial Intelligence

I will set the stage with an overview of the fields of AI and machine learning.  I will provide examples of the structure of the field, what big questions interest us, and upcoming directions of research.  I will include some examples from my research into AI and online tutoring systems. 

David Jensen

Manning  College of Information & Computer Sciences
Center for Data Science
Knowledge Discovery Laboratory
Cybersecurity Institute
Computational Social Science Institute
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Faculty Page
Research Group


Dr. Jensen's research focuses on machine learning and causal modeling. He am particularly interested in analyzing large social, technological, and computational systems, with the goals of furthering prediction, explanation, security, and policy decisions.  In 2017 he received a four-year $1.4 million DARPA grant to explore explainable AI.  


Grant Writing for Librarians

This capstone will integrate the wealth of knowledge our three presenters have to share about grant writing for libraries with hands-on small group exercises as attendees practice preparing a two-page brief in response to a funding agency's Request For Proposals (RFP).  We'll work through identifying goals and objectives, timelines, budgeting (e.g. salary, dealing with honoraria), designing evaluation, and more.  We'll wrap up with with next steps and provide resources for finding the right grant.