CS203: Digital Logic Design


The objective of the course:

A) To learn fundamentals of digital design, including boolean algebra, basic gates, logic minimization, finite state machines, state minimization.

B) To learn to design standard logic blocks like arithmetic operations, encoders, multiplexers, counters, registers using basic logic gates

C) To learn to analyze a digital system for area and delay

D) To learn to design a digital system using basic gates, standard logic blocks. Digital systems may be combinational or sequential or both


Almost none.


Module 1 Introduction (2 weeks): Introduction to digital systems and motivation for digital design. number systems:integer, floating point, codes

Module 2 Boolean algebra, logic gates and minimization (2 weeks) : Boolean equations, algebra, K-maps and QM minimization, multi-level logic minimization

Module 3 Combinational logic design (2 weeks) : Multiplexers, decoders, encoders, arithmetic circuits. designing using standard blocks

Module 4 Sequential building blocks(2 weeks) : Latch, flip-flop, counters, registers, memories

Module 5 Synchronous Sequential system design (3 week) : State machines design, analysis, SM charts. Top down approach

Module 6 Technology (1 weeks) : FPGA, Synthesis flow, automation

Verilog hardware description language would be used to demonstrate few concepts and as the design language during lab experiments.


  • We would be following flipped mode in the course

  • Lectures of the week will be uploaded on Monday, 9AM. Students are supposed to go through the lectures by Wednesday.

  • Thursday and Friday lectures will be used for discussion, problem solving, and tutorials. These classes will not be recorded.

  • Every week there will be a quiz, usually during the lecture hours.

  • Google classroom will be used for discussion and uploading lectures

  • Moodle will be used for quizzes, class test and assignment upload.

  • If you want to one-to-one discussion with instructor or TA, send an email to get the appointment

Class -interactions:

  • Wednesday : 3:00 pm to 3:50 pm

  • Thursday : 3:00 pm to 3:50 pm

  • Friday : 3:00 pm to 3:50 pm

Google meet :



Dr. Neeraj Goel (neeraj@iitrpr.ac.in)



Course duration is August 3, 2021 to Nov 27, 2021. The schedule will be populated as we go.

  • Week 1: Aug 3, 2021

    • M1.01 Introduction (25 Minutes)

    • M1.02 Analog vs Digital (34 Minutes)

    • M1.03 Binary number system (44 Minutes)

    • M1.04 Negative number system (52 Minutes)

  • Week 2: August 9, 2021

    • M1.05 Other number systems (36 minutes)

    • M1.06 Floating point numbers (52 Minutes)

    • M1.07 Floating point numbers, part 2 (51 Minutes)

    • M1.08 Floating point - supplementary (27 Minutes)

  • Week 3: August 16, 2021

    • August 19 (Thursday) - public holiday

    • M2.01 Boolean algebra (51 Minutes)

    • M2.02 Boolean algebra - 2 (43 minutes)

    • M2.03a Canonical form (34 minutes)

  • Week 4: August 23, 2021

    • M2.03b Boolean minimization (17 minutes)

    • M2.04 Gates (27 Minutes)

    • M2.04b-Verilog HDL (44 minutes)

    • M2.05 K-maps (43 minutes)

  • Week 5: August 30, 2021

    • M2.06 QM method (43 minutes)

    • M2.07 Multi-level logic and gate delay (56 minutes)

    • M3.01 Multiplexers (42 minutes)

  • Week 6: Sept 6, 2021

    • Sept 10 (Friday) - public holiday

    • M3.02 De-multiplexers (48 minutes)

    • M3.03 Decoders (47 minutes)

  • Week 7: Sept 13, 2021

    • M3.04 Programmable hardware (37 minutes)

    • M3.05 Adders (59 minutes)

    • M3.06 Fast adders (48 minutes)

  • Week 8: Sept 20, 2021

    • Sept 21 - Thursday time table

    • Sept 22 - Friday timetable

    • Sept 23 - No class

    • M3.Multiplication (37 minutes)

    • M3.08 Iterative circuits (51 minutes)

    • Revision

  • Sept 27, 2021

    • Mid-term week

  • Week 9: Oct 4, 2021

    • M4.01 Latch (53 minutes)

    • M4.02 D-Flip-flop (32 minutes)

    • M4.03 Other flip-flops (29 minutes)

    • M4.Verilog (55 minutes)

  • Week 10: Oct 11, 2021

    • Oct 15 (Friday) public holiday

    • M4.04 Counters (32 minutes)

    • M4.05 Registers (64 minutes)

  • Week 11: Oct 18, 2021

    • Oct 19 - Tuesday (Public holiday)

    • Oct 20 - Friday timetable

    • M4.06 Memory (40 minutes)

    • Verilog behavior model

  • Week 12: Oct 25, 2021

    • M5.01 Sequential circuit analysis (32 minutes)

    • M5.02 Building state graph (37 minutes)

    • M5.03 Sequence detector (49 minutes)

  • Week 13: Nov 1, 2021

    • Nov 4 (Thu) - Public holiday - Diwali week

    • M5.04 State machine reduction (44 minutes)

    • M5.05 Sequential addition (44 minutes)

  • Week 14: Nov 8, 2021

    • M5.06 Multiply and divide (42 minutes)

    • M5.07 Interacting state machine (30 minutes)

    • M5.08 RTL design (47 minutes)

  • Week 15: Nov 15, 2021

    • Nov 19 (Friday) - public holiday

    • M5.09 RTL- Example 1

    • M5.10 RTL - Example 2

  • Week 16: Nov 22, 2021

    • M6.01 FPGA (57 minutes)

    • M6.02a FPGA design flow (27 minutes)

    • M6.02b FPGA demo (31 minutes)

    • M6.03 ASIC design flow (39 minutes)

    • M6.03b Future directions (18 minutes)

  • Nov 29, 2021

    • End term exam

Grading scheme for CS203

Grading scheme assuming end term exam will be offline.

  • Quizzes (15%)

    • Each week there will be a quiz, with a maximum of 14.

    • Best 75% would be considered for final evaluation. If 75% is not an integer, floor would be taken.

    • If end-term exam is online, quiz marks will increase from 15 to 25.

  • Mid-term exam (25%)

  • Lab assignments (25%): Most of the lab exercises will be in Verilog HDL. Lab exercises will also include a course project.

  • End term exam (35%): If end term exam is online, its weightage will be reduced to 25%

General guidelines:

- All the lab submissions should be on time. Delayed submission will attract penalty at the rate of 10% per day. After delay of 10 days, no marks will be given to a assignment.

- Plagiarism of any sort (from internet resource or from friends) will be heavily penalized. In case, the case of copy is from other students of the course, both parties will get negative marks equal to double the weightage of assignment/submission. In second instance will be given F. The copy case will also be notified to the department for records.


First one will be used for most of the topics, some topics will be covered from other books

1. Fundamentals of Logic Design By Charles H. Roth, Jr., Larry L Kinney, 7th edition

2. Digital design by Morris Mano and M.D. Ciletti, 6th edition, published by Pearson

3. Switching and Finite Automata theory by Kohavi and Jha, 3rd edition.

4. Digital Systems Design Using Verilog By Charles Roth, Lizy K. John, Byeong Kil Lee