CS527: Computer Systems

CS527: Computer Systems

Objective of the course:


Undergraduate courses in computer architecture and operating systems


Module 1 : Program structure: Review of machine level program representation, compilation overview, running program on processor architecture, memory hierarchy 

Module 2: Running program on hardware:  Linking, Exceptions, process control, signals, Virtual memory: memory management, memory protection, address translation, memory mapping, dynamic memory allocation, garbage collection

Module 3: Communication between processes: System level I/O and files,  network programming: client server programming model, socket interface, web servers, concurrent programming: thread based programming model, synchronization, inter-process communication 


Class timings: 

Venue: Seminar room. S Ramanujan Block

Lab: Tuesday (11AM to 12:50PM).  Venue: Lab 3, Room number 202. S Ramanujan Block


Lalit Sharma (lalit.19csz0005@iitrpr.ac.in)

Office hours: 

Digital platforms

Class Schedule (Tentative)

Course duration is  August 3, 2021 to  Nov 27, 2021. The tentative schedule is as follows. A few topics may be added or removed based on class progress


Each lab assignment will be 3-4 week long. 

Assignment 1 : File manager.  

Assignment 2 : Page manager

Assignment 3:  Memory manager

Assignment 4:  Chat client

Project: You need to demonstrate some of the concepts of computer system using visualisation. 

Project timeline:

Grading scheme

General guidelines:

-        All the submissions should be on time. Delayed submission will attract penalty at the rate of 10% per day.  After delay of 10 days, no marks will be given to a assignment. 

-        Plagiarism of any sort (from internet resource or from friends) will be heavily penalised. In case, the case of copy is from other students of the course, both parties will get negative marks equal to double the weightage of assignment/submission. In second instance will be given F.



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