Srijan: Architecture and Hardware Design Lab
Efficient hardware design
Reference publications:
"ReARM: A Reconfigurable Approximate Rounding-Based Multiplier for Image Processing", Rajat Bhattacharjya, Alish Kanani, Neeraj Goel, In VDAT 202
"ACA-CSU: A Carry Selection Based Accuracy Configurable Approximate Adder Design", Alish Kanani, Jigar Mehta, and Neeraj Goel. In IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI) 2020.
An Ultra-Fast Parallel Prefix Adder, Kumar Sambhav Pandey, B. Dinesh Kumar, Neeraj Goel, Hitesh Shrimali, In International Symposium on Arithmetic Circuits, 2019
Processor Architecture
Reference Publications
Shared Port Register File Architecture for Low Energy VLIW Processors, Neeraj Goel, Anshul Kumar, and Preeti Ranjan Panda, ACM Transaction of Architecture and Code Optimization, Vol 11, No 1, Article 1 (32 pages), Feb 2014.
Power Reduction in VLIW Processor with Compiler Driven Bypass Network, Neeraj Goel, Anshul Kumar, and Preeti Ranjan Panda, In Int. Conference in VLSI Design and Embedded System(VLSI 2007), Bangalore,India, January 2007
Hardware for Machine Learning Applications
Reference Publications
High-Throughput CNN Inference on Embedded ARM big.LITTLE Multi-Core Processors, S Wang, G Ananthanarayanan, Y Zeng, N Goel, A Pathania, T Mitra, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol 39, no 10, 2020
Multimedia and Surveillance
Reference Publications
"Event Detection and Localization for Sparsely Populated Outdoor Environment using Seismic Sensor", Priyankar Choudhary, Neeraj Goel and Mukesh Saini, In BiGMM 2020.
A Multimedia Based Movie Style Model, Priyankar Choudhary, Neeraj Goel, Mukesh Saini, In IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) workshops. 2019
A Crowd-Sourced Adaptive Safe Navigation for Smart Cities, Neeraj Goel, Rajat Sharma, N. Nikhil, S. D. Mahanoor, and Mukesh Saini, In IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), Dec. 2017
FPGA Design
Reference Publications
Hardware Controlled and Software Independent Fault Tolerant FPGA Architecture, Neeraj Goel and Kolin Paul, In 15th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication,Guwahati, India, December 2007.
Teaching and Learning
Reference Publications
How Smart are Smart Classrooms? A Review of Smart Classroom Technologies, Mukesh Saini and Neeraj Goel, ACM Computing Survey, Volume 52, Issue 6, December 2019, Article No.: 130, pp 1–28