Material Supports / Resources

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National Resources

  • Ben's Blankets
      • This organization offers free or at-cost weighted blankets to families in need. Scholarships are available at various levels depending on a family’s income.
  • Head Start/Early Head Start (Lincoln, ESU 4, ESU 5, ESU 6)
      • Early Head Start is a federally-funded program offered to income-eligible pregnant women, income-eligible families with a child under three years of age, and teen parents. To pregnant women, it offers prenatal care, links to a medical home, and assistance in building a safe and healthy home environment. To families, it offers weekly home visits, family support on an individual basis, information about and assistance in obtaining government assistance, financial planning education, and comprehensive health screenings (physical, dental, vision, hearing, speech, developmental, social/emotional, and immunizations). This program also provides transportation for families who need assistance getting to services such as dental appointments or doctors visits, financial assistance for daycare, and financial assistance for utilities (or assistance in contacting other agencies that can do this).
      • Head Start is a program offered to income-eligible families who have a child that is 3 or 4 years old by July 31st. Families receive monthly home visits that offer resources, activities they can do with their child, and materials for those activities. Children are eligible to attend Head Start preschool at no cost to families, often including snacks and meals, bussing, and comprehensive health screenings (physical, dental, vision, hearing, speech, developmental, and social).
      • Depending on funding, families MAY be able to participate in these programs, even if they likely will not qualify based on income.
      • See what else these programs offer in the Emotional Resources and Informational Resources sections.
  • Holton's Heroes
      • If a child has a post birth brain injury and they could benefit from therapy equipment that is financially burdensome on their family, they can submit an application to Holton’s Heroes and be eligible to receive financial assistance for therapy equipment.
  • United Healthcare Children's Foundation
      • This foundation offers grants to "provide financial help/assistance for families with children that have medical needs not covered or not fully covered by their commercial health insurance plan."
  • Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
      • WIC is a federal assistance program that offers access to healthy food for income-eligible pregnant mothers or families with infants or children under 5 years of age. To find a WIC program near you, go to and type in your zip code.
      • See what else they can offer in the Informational Resources section.

Nebraska Resources

  • Aged & Disabled Waiver Program
      • This program is available to families with a child who has nursing-level care needs. Service coordinators coordinate the services provided through this program, which include services not traditionally considered medical, such as respite care, transportation, independence skill management, in-home help (home-delivered meals, cleaning, laundry, getting groceries, and assistive technology or home modifications), and childcare so the caregiver can maintain employment.
      • While it is not likely that service providers will ever need to refer a child to this program, it is good to know what is all covered under this program, in case a family member utilizing the waiver mentions a need that could be filled by the program.
  • Disabled Children's Program
      • This program assists families in paying for non-medical services and supports such as respite care, mileage and travel reimbursement for medical care, and accessibility modifications. Services are determined based on an assessment of needs. Click the link above or call (402) 471-5379 for more information about applying for this program.
  • Easter Seals
      • This organization offers loan programs with reduced interest rates and negotiable terms for the purpose of purchasing assistive technology devices and services. Examples may include home and vehicle modification, hearing and vision aids, scooters, lift chairs, stair glides, iPads or computers with special software, or batteries and chargers.
  • Lifespan Respite Subsidy Program
      • This program offers funding for respite services to families with children with special needs. Unpaid family caregivers of children with special needs who are not already receiving respite services from another governmental program are eligible for this program.
  • Nebraska Assistive Technology Partnership (ATP) & AT4ALL
      • AT4ALL offers assistive technology and adaptive equipment for all ages, available for loan, demonstration, free, and for sale.
      • ATP is also the local coordinator of iCanConnect Program, which provides specialized communication equipment to people with combined vision and hearing loss with limited incomes. If you want to know more about this program, call (402) 679-4271 or email
      • See what else ATP can offer in the Informational Resources section.
  • Nebraska Early Development Network (EDN)
      • The EDN offers services coordination and early intervention services (occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech-language pathology, early childhood education, etc.) for children ages birth to three years-old living in Nebraska - at no cost to families.
      • See what else the EDN can offer in the Informational Resources section.
  • Nebraska Network of Domestic Violence
      • When working with families in early intervention, it is entirely possible that family members may confide in their early intervention service providers or service coordinators about dangerous home situations, such as with domestic violence, sexual assault, or other forms of abuse. Click the title above to find a link to Nebraska’s network of domestic violence/sexual assault programs that can be offered to families in these situations. Each of these organizations offer a 24/7 emergency or crisis hotline. These programs often provide assistance with temporary shelter, emergency assistance, client advocacy, legal advocacy, medical advocacy, bi-lingual advocacy, and information & referrals.
          • Lincoln - Voices of Hope (402-476-2110 Office number, and 402-475-7273 Crisis number)
          • Lincoln - Friendship Home (402-437-9300 Office number, and 402-437-9302 Crisis number)
          • Fillmore, Jefferson, Gage, Saline, Seward, Thayer, & York Counties - Hope Crisis Center (402-729-2570 Office number, and 877-388-4673 Crisis number)
          • Nemaha, Johnson, Pawnee, Otoe, & Richardson - Project Response (402-274-5092 Office number, and 800-456-5764 Crisis number)
  • Sixpence
      • This program offers a free Child Learning Center to children with teen parents who are attending high school. This program is state-funded and is currently offered in Lincoln, Crete, Auburn, Seward, Milford, and Centennial Schools.
      • See what else this program can offer in the Informational Resources section.

Resources in Lincoln

  • Center for People in Need
      • FREE FOOD! This organization offers a food distribution program at several sites throughout Lincoln for income-eligible families.
      • FREE HOUSEHOLD ITEMS! It also offers emergency services that help replace items for families who have been involved in a fire, flood, tornado, or other dramatic loss of a home or household essentials. Additionally it offers health and cleaning products such as hygiene products, cleaning supplies, and occasionally diapers to families that cannot afford such products through the Care Room program.
      • FREE EDUCATION! This organization also offers tuition assistance to low-income individuals so they can attend Southeast Community College, identify a career pathway, and obtain better employment. In addition, it offers year-round, free English classes to individuals who are low-income.
      • See what else they can offer in the Informational Resources section.
  • Child Advocacy Center
  • Clinic with a Heart
      • Clinic with a Heart is a free healthcare clinic that offers free medical, dental, mental health, hearing, vision, and chiropractic screenings, as well as physical therapy. They do not require patient identification or proof of income. Click here for a schedule of walk-in clinics.
  • Community Action Partnership of Lancaster and Saunders Counties
      • This organization promotes homelessness prevention through rent, utility, & deposit assistance, a supportive housing program, tenant support services, a representative payee program, and affordable housing. It also promotes hunger relief and health food access through healthy food access and the Gathering Place Soup Kitchen. They also provide weatherization for homes to decrease utility bills and increase safety of homes. Community Action also promotes financial well-being through Individual Development Accounts, Free to Save program, and Opportunity Passport, all of which encourage individuals to save money by offering a 2:1 or 4:1 matching process.
      • See what else they can offer in the Emotional Resources and Informational Resources sections.
  • Educare in Lincoln
      • Educare is a year-round high-quality child care center for children ages birth to five years old offered to low-income families.

Resources in Johnson, Nemaha, Otoe, Pawnee, and Richardson Counties (ESU 4)

  • Blue Rivers Area Agency on Aging
      • This agency provides transportation within communities, between communities, and to Lincoln. This is not a free service, however it can be helpful for families who cannot afford a car or do not have a functional car for another reason and need transportation.
  • Ministerial Association
      • This association offers an emergency food voucher program (call 402-874-9638 for more details) and the Angel Tree Program, which allows families in the area "adopt" another family that is in need around the holidays and provide them with clothes, toys, and food during the Christmas season (call 402-873-5424 for more details).
  • Nebraska City Housing Authority
      • This organization offers rental assistance, comprehensive housing opportunities for families that qualify, and related services.
  • Salvation Army
      • The Salvation Army offers disaster services, emergency financial assistance, emergency shelter, food and nutrition programs, and seasonal services including food and gifts around Christmastime.
      • There is a Salvation Army centered in Auburn, Nebraska City, Pawnee City, Tecumseh, and Richardson County (402-898-5942 ).
  • Southeast Nebraska Community Action (SENCA)
      • This organization offers emergency assistance in the forms of basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, rent & utility assistance, basic essentials, landlord-tenant mediation, and crisis intervention.
      • SENCA also provides food programs such as a Back Pack Program through which children are sent home with food for the weekends, congregate meals, and Meals on Wheels.
      • SENCA offers transitional housing with case management and supportive services for homeless individuals.
      • See what else they can offer in the Emotional Resources and Informational Resources sections.

Resources in Gage, Jefferson, and Thayer Counties (ESU 5)

  • Blue Rivers Area Agency on Aging
      • This agency provides transportation within communities, between communities, and to Lincoln. This is not a free service, however it can be helpful for families who cannot afford a car or do not have a functional car for another reason and need transportation.
  • Blue Valley Community Action (BVCA) - also offered to ESU 6
      • BVCA offers services and programs to assist families with basic needs such as emergency assistance, homeless assistance, temporary emergency shelter, and thrift stores. It also provides a matched savings program to assist youth in transitioning to adulthood.
      • BVCA also offers housing services such as affordable housing, listings of available homes and apartments, a homeownership opportunity program that offers downpayment assistance, housing rehabilitation assistance, weatherization assistance, and transitional housing through Project FIRST.
      • It also offers holiday projects, food pantries, immunization programs, childcare & early education services, educational scholarships, and after-school programs.
      • For most services, families must be income-eligible. Some services may only be available to certain counties.
      • See what else they can offer in the Emotional Resources and the Informational Resources sections.
  • Mother to Mother Ministry
      • This volunteer-run organization is run by women, for women. It offers diapers, formula, and clothing to mothers who are in need. They also offer occasional lunches that are open to women involved in Mother to Mother Ministry and their children. Mothers can receive items once a month and there are no income qualifications to receive their services.
      • It is funded by, and located in, the Burwood Books building at 609 Court Street, Beatrice, NE 68310. They can be contacted at 402-223-6042, or
  • Public Health Solutions - also offered to ESU 6
      • This organization offers free or low-cost programs to families in Fillmore, Gage, Jefferson, Saline, and Thayer counties, including immunization clinics, dental clinics, and the Healthy Pathways program (free nurse health coaching and health navigation services).
  • Salvation Army
      • This organization offers disaster services, utility assistance, clothing vouchers, household goods (pans, dishware, bedding), assistance with securing housing and childcare, Christmas food baskets & gifts, and several food distribution programs.
      • There is a Salvation Army centered in Beatrice at 120 S 7th St, Beatrice (402-223-3341) and in Fairbury (402-898-5942).
      • See what else they can offer in the Emotional Resources and the Informational Resources sections.
  • Southeast Community College
  • St. John Lutheran Church Community Pantry And Emergency Services
      • This church offers emergency food assistance (once a month), rent assistance (up to $250; one time assistance), utility assistance (up to $225; one time assistance), and furniture to those in need. Hours are listed in the website linked above and the church can be contacted by phone at 402-223-5306.
  • St. Vincent de Paul
      • This organization can help families by providing them food, financial assistance for meeting rent and utility costs, medications and minor treatments, and car repairs to help people get to jobs.
      • They can be reached at 402-806-1508.
      • See what else they can offer in the Emotional Resources.
  • Warren's Community Dinner Table
      • A free meal is served to the public each Tuesday evening from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Christ Church Episcopal Parish Hall, 524 N 5th St. Beatrice, NE.
  • Willow Center
      • This is a non-profit ministry that can supply families in need with diapers, wipes, formula, hygiene products, etc. They are located at 2205 N 6th St. #11, Beatrice, NE, 68310. They can be contacted at 402-228-6411 and more information can be found at or on their Facebook page @willowcenterbeatrice.

Resources in Fillmore, Saline, Seward, and York Counties (ESU 6)

  • Blue Valley Community Action (BVCA)
      • Refer to BVCA in ESU 5
  • First Congregational United Church of Christ - Geneva
      • This church can assist families with obtaining diapers, toiletries, and other household items as available. To inquire about receiving assistance, call 402-759-323.
  • Living Water Rescue Mission
      • This organization offers free household items and furniture for those in need. They also offer free short-term housing to individuals or families in York county. They can be reached at 402-362-0127.
  • Public Health Solutions
      • Refer to Public Health Solutions in ESU 5
      • Additionally, Minority Health Initiative is offered to residents of Saline county, offering free or low-cost health screenings for the minority population, Diabetes classes, and a Diabetes Prevention Program classes.
  • Salvation Army
      • The Salvation Army offers disaster services, emergency financial assistance, emergency shelter, food and nutrition programs, and seasonal services including food and gifts around Christmastime.
      • There is a Salvation Army centered in Seward and York (402-898-5942 ).
  • York Crisis Pregnancy Center
      • This program can offer referrals for medical care, social services, legal aid, and job placement, free clothing and other items for mother and baby, and an Earn While You Learn program for earning baby furnishings, new baby clothing and other baby supplies.
      • The center is located at York Crisis Pregnancy Center 613 Grant York, NE 68467 and can be reached by phone at (402) 362-2273.