Pass Wide and Slow

Ever wondered why the Highway Code brought out in 2022 has the following in it?

Rule 163 - "pass horse riders and horse-drawn vehicles at speeds under 10 mph and allow at least 2 metres of space"

The following leaflet has been devised by the Pass Wide and Slow Facebook Group Admin in an attempt to educate the motorist into some of the reasons behind the changes in the Highway code. We too have been trying to raise awareness by the article we had published in the Streetwise magazine in early 2023. The BHS are working hard to get something incorporated into the Speed Awareness Courses. A lot of the issues is down to ignorance and hence why we amongst others are trying really hard to raise awareness.

Accidents keep happening. For example a Horse pulling a Horse Drawn Hearse in October 2023. 

PLEASE BE RESPONSIBLE and protect the Vulnerable users of our ever increasing roads. It will only delay your journey by a few minutes but not being responsible could end your son or daughters life or at best devastate them whilst they have to witness the end of their friend, companion and mental health saviour life when their horse gets killed.

Horse Riders PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE responsible driving. A small nod of the head or a mouthing of Thank You cost nothing but can encourage continuation of the responsible behaviour rather that leaving the motorist or cyclist with the thought "Why did I bother?"

PWAS leaflet.pdf

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