Government Alert and phone advice whilst Riding

On Sunday 23rd April in the early evening, the Government is going to test its Emergency Alert System. Your mobile Phone will sound a large claxon alarm and display a text message. Care should be taken if you are riding at the time as the sound might spook your horse.

The Government wants you to read the text message and follow the instructions. However if you are riding or driving the advice (see screenshot above) is to find somewhere safe and legal before reading the message.

Everyone should be aware that it is not safe to use a phone when riding but did you know that their are laws in place which could potentially be used to prosecute you? 

We see many riders texting or phoning on a horse and just thought that it was a stupid inconsiderate thing to do particularly if you are on a road. We did not realise that there are laws which could be used to prosecute you.

Please pass this information on to other equestrians in the interest of Safety