Safe Access at Codshaw Quarry

After over a year of hard work, balancing the conflicting requirements of all stakeholder groups, safe equestrian access has been achieved onto the moors for horses and ramblers at Codshaw Quarry near Owd Betts. 

The initial access provided involved turning a 90 degrees to get over the tiger trap in the fence. Although most horses could deal with this, there was a real threat that a horse might back up and end up on the busy Edenfield Road with potential devastating consequences. This was further exasperated by cars choosing to park blocking the safe route for horses along the fence line. The new access provided has  removed all the barbed wire from the area in front of the tiger trap, There is now a wide gap in the fence,  opposite the drive to the house, to allow horses to cross Edenfield Road perpendicular avoid both the original 90 degree turn and the need to cross Edenfield Road in a diagonal route. There is a   good surface in the tiger trap and a big holding area away from the road to allow several horses a safe place to stand whilst negotiating the Tiger Trap. Thanks to Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum,  Norden Agricultural and the British Horse Society for their help in achieving this. 

Work has now moved to preparing the Section 38 Application which will include plans to improve the Tiger Trap opposite Ashworth Reservoir and install an additional one opposite Rough Lea Farm.

If anyone has any concerns they would like taking into consideration please email us on