Please Close Gates

Follow the Countryside Code


It is really important that all Pedestrians, Cyclists and Horse Riders abide by the Countryside Code and close gates firmly after they have passed through them. Is it any wonder that Farmers, Commoners and other land owners get annoyed at visitors to their land and take action when something like the following occurs. At this particular location, should a spring be placed on the gate, it would cause Horse Riders a huge amount of issues as the gate is already difficult to negotiate. Please Please Pease make sure when passing through the gate at Knacks Lane you close it it firmly to avoid actions by the Commoners becoming necessary. No-one want to see livestock injured or killed as the result of inconsiderate behaviour. Lets all enjoy our wonderful countryside in harmony.

Note from Commonor. 

Once again the gate shown above has been left open.(top of Rooleymoor towards Prickshaw Village) This has resulted in 5 of our young fillies ending up yards away from station road. (Whitworth)

This gate needs to be closed behind anybody that uses it. If these horses or cows get on the road or surounding areas they will cause significant damage to themselves and possible property.

This is a polite warning. If the gate continues to be left open a spring back will be put onto the gate to prevent it being left open.

We don't wish to do this but the safety of our live stock and other farmers stock comes first.



Since yesterdays incident, on the 19th April, THAT EVENING  this gate was left open again twice (there were cows leaving though the second to which I had to send them back though) and also the gate in Lanehead village had been open on several occashions. I also recieved a call this morning (20th April) that the horses were out again and the gate was open when I came down.

This is not acceptable walkers would not appricate their garden fences being taken down and their dogs getting on the road or other horse owner having there fencing taken down purposely to allow their horse to escape. Not closing a gate is the same equivalent.


Knacks Lane