Call-In Letter for Crimble Mill

We have sent the following Call-In Request for the planning application for Crimble Mill

Dear Mr Gove

We are writing to you to request a "call in" of the above planning decision made by Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council, to grant the application on 24th August  2023.

We have many very serious concerns about these plans being accepted. Our concerns have been known to the planners and the developers since 2019.

Although they were put in as FUL plans, there were many questions  asked at the planning meeting, which the applicant was unable to answer, some of which have serious safety concerns for Public Rights Of Way users.

The planning department only consulted the Highways Department  and not the Rights Of Way Officer. In fact, at the meeting, the chair refused to allow the ROW officer to make comments, even though one of the Councillors specifically requested to be able to ask questions of her.

The plan is to use a Bridleway to access the new development both during construction, and for access, by the residents, after development has been finished. This access is very narrow where it joins Rochdale Road East, (this a main route from Rochdale to Heywood  and very busy) and cannot be widened due to privately owned properties on each side of the Lane. They seem to think by using horse friendly tarmac that makes it ok.

Prows were designated as such, to allow Pedestrians, Cyclists and horses (ridden, led or in some cases driven) safe OFF road routes. These should be kept traffic free as much as possible to allow people access to the fresh air SAFELY and take exercise, that proved so beneficial during Covid.

Please remember a lot of horse riders are children, some are disabled, they are putting all these users SAFETY at risk.

The Bridleway that has been earmarked for access is HeyBp59, named Crimble Lane. It is very narrow, with a sheer drop to the River Roch on one side and a cliff opposite that drop on the other, for part of the route. At the meeting it was stated that they would be able to create a road 5.5mtrs wide, it has been measured and we have been told, it is only 4.5mtrs to 4.8 mtrs wide. The Highway code now stipulates (Section 215) that when passing horses, you must give them a minimum of 2 metres clearance, this will be impossible to achieve when wagons, large vans etc are using the route, so by allowing these plans they accept that motorists will be forced to break the Highway Code.

A suggested diverted route for the Bridleway was supplied, by us, to both the applicant and planning back in 2019, and again in early 2023. This would have given the Prow a designated track fenced off from the "road". We requested a diversion was applied for and built BEFORE the redevelopment commenced, moving the Bridleway onto the edge of the field. Their answer at the meeting was that the topography would not allow it. However horses have been riding the suggested route through the field for 20+ years. We requested ( prior to the application going in) the opportunity to discuss our suggestions in person, with both the applicant and the planning,  this offer was not taken up.

It is a very serious accident waiting to happen  and gives precedent to all Bridleways becoming roads in the future.

This Bridleway is an arterial route  connecting users from Rooley Moor, the Mary Townley Loop (a National Trail), Norden, Bamford and Heywood to Castleton  and onwards. It has a large usage by all legitimate users.

At the meeting they could not answer if an alternative emergency access would be made, they just said it wasn't needed. From our knowledge the only emergency access (which has been mentioned) would be along the Bridleway HeyBp60, this route is even narrower than the other with 2 blind bends and completely inaccessible to Emergency vehicles. It is obviously extremely dangerous to the legitimate Prow users if it is used as access by vehicular traffic. We would want to see this Bridleway suitably blocked to traffic from the new development (if it goes ahead) and this has not even been considered by the applicant. It would very quickly become a "rat run" for people wanting to go to Bamford/Norden etc.

The number of safe off road Bridleways are shrinking, with a lot becoming access roads to housing estates, this is not why they were designated Bridleways, Prows should be safe OFF road routes.

We would like to ask for the call-in therefore, due to due process not being allowed (Rights of Way Officer being silenced) and due to full planning having been granted when there are a huge number of important questions not being addressed.

The first photo shows the route the applicant wants to use for the main access to both the new development and the Crimble Mill

The second and third shows the blind bends on the other Bridleway going North, which we think they will want to use for emergency access to the Mill development .

As you can see they are completely unsuitable on from a safety aspect.

Kind Regards

Pat Tough Chair 

Norden,Bamford and Heywood Bridleways Association